9: The Hit

516 16 11

2x01 Pt2

She had finished her lunch break. Valerie returned upstairs.

With the information she had gathered, as terrified as she was, she took a chance and went to give Voight the drive.

Walking quickly towards Voight’s closed office door, she came to a halt in front of it. She knocked on the door after taking a deep breath.

!! Knock, Knock, Knock !!

Voight says as he looks up at the door, “Come in.”

Valerie walks in and closes the door after turning the knob.

When he sees Valerie, Voight he straightens his posture and sits back in his chair, with his hands clasped together.

She began to speak while avoiding eye contact with Voight and keeping her focus fixed on the floor.

“You’ll want to have a look at this,” Valerie said as she placed the drive on Voights’ desk.

“Jin sent it to me,” Valerie stated that she was still avoiding eye contact. then she made her way to the door.

“Vega, take a seat”, directs Voight, making Valerie swiftly turn away from the door and face him.

“what?” she furrows her brow

“I said”, “Take a seat,” and he motioned for her to sit in the chair in front of his desk.

Valerie sat down as directed, a lump in her throat. She fiddled with her hands while her leg bounced up and down again.

“You can breathe a little,” Voight said, leaning back in his chair.

Valerie smiles and nods.


“Is there something you want to ask me or-” Valerie asked, looking up at Voight and then back down at the desk.

“You said Jin gave you this hard drive, correct?” he ponders.

“Yes, but I didn’t get it until today”, “Platt handed it to me in an envelope.” Valerie quickly explained that she was beginning to play with her hair’s loose curly strained.

Continuing to maintain constant eye contact with Voight “I only have one question,” explains this to me,” he said, tossing a file to Valerie on his desk.

She leaned forward to look at the file as she titled her head while opening it and starting to look through it.

Voight had no expression or at least none that Valerie could read as they made eye contact.

Valerie’s anxiety and distress can be sensed by Voight as her breathing became more rapid and she began to soothe her forehead with her hand.

“Sargent I can explain everything i-ii-”

“Just-” she began as she returned her gaze to Voight. her words became stutters. Voight nods, giving her the opportunity to explain the file of photos of her and Stillwell.

Valerie took a deep breath before closing the file and sitting up straight, collecting herself and her thoughts.

“I’d like to start by saying that I’m not working with Edwin Stillwell from Internal Affair,” she began.

“This first photo of us meeting in the parking lot was taken around the time of Sheldon Jin’s murder, five months ago.”

“Prior to this”, I had no idea who Stillwell was.” He wanted me to be his new informant because Jin was no longer alive.”

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