Chapter 1

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Lydia's POV

        "Where the hell is it?" Steve asked furiously, shoving me roughly against the wall. I was just trying to eat my cereal but when I turn around Rogers decided to pull the "dick move" card. 

        "Nice push, Rogers" I smirk, cracking my neck. It brings me joy to push his buttons. 

        "I don't have time to play your games. Where's Bucky's file?" He yells once more, increasing pressure. 

        "It's really hard to try and explain a complication when I between a rock and a hard place... literally." Steve's jaw moves forward as he exhales. He releases me and steps back, waiting for information on his old friend's file. "Look, you asked me to enter the info provided into an internet database and I did. When I checked it the morning after, it updated itself."

        "What's that supposed to mean? What did it say?" I took a moment to gather my words. If I explain it wrong, he's pissed. If I explain it right, he's even more pissed. Either way, this whole situation is screwed.

        "Whoever got into it wrote that Bucky went missing two months ago. Virtually fell off the face of the earth two days after you started looking for him." Steve bowed his head,

        "Looks like this search got a lot harder."

        "Actually, I made it easier. I traced the update all the way to Quedlinburg, Germany. I was hoping to get there before you noticed anything but I guess I was too late." I explained, pulling a drive with a map out of my pocket. Rogers straightened,

        "And guess your going to help me find him."

        "Can't you get Sam to help you?" I sigh.

        "I could, but he wouldn't make the best co-pilot. I know your history, Knox." I rolled my eyes,

        "Fine, I'll go but I say we take the Bus." Rogers squints,

        "I don't think a bus is going to get us all the way to Germany." I snicker,

        "Wrong kind of bus, Rogers."

3 Hours Later

        "Welcome to The Bus, aka, Boeing C-17 Globemaster III military transport aircraft." I say, scanning my identification and walking into the beautiful plane.

        "This is not a bus." Rogers says in amazement. 

        "It's just a nickname, really. It's like Coulson's baby so don't mess anything up. Hope he doesn't mind us borrowing it for a bit." Steve stops,

        "Coulson? He's dead, Lydia." Shit, I forgot that he didn't know. Guess there's no better time than now to tell him.

        "Actually, you were made to believe that. Phil's very much alive." I admitted, plugging the drive into a port in the plane. "The Globemaster had a bit of an upgrade. This drive contains the coordinates of our destination. It should get us there on its own and all we have to do is sit back and look pretty. The ride home is another story, though. Unless I'm given the time to make a drive for the safe zone, we'll have to do all the flying ourselves from there."


        "Alright, we're landing. I made sure to have the docking coordinates be a mile away from the traced location just in case of security. We have some walking to do, but at least we'll be more stealth." I tell. Rogers stands and grabs his shield,

        "As long as we make it to Bucky, the distance doesn't matter." We grab everything we need and head out. I got my hands on some military grade firearms just in case it gets sticky out there. I most likely wouldn't need them, given that I have a set of skills that are enough to completely alter the events that may or may not have been previously conceived. I'm clairvoyant, which means I can perceive events in the future before they happen. Though it limits to five minutes ahead of present time meaning I just see us walking though a bunch of brush. I can also manipulate probability, which comes in handy when you can see into the next events. If I don't like what will happen, I can cause it to not happen.

        We make it to the start of the entrance. There are many surrounding guards who will pull guns on us in exactly 3.5 minutes. I have to act fast. I imagine the barrels of their guns melting and begin counting down. When I get to five seconds Steve and I show ourselves, causing the men to break out their weapons but to their surprise, they are no longer functional giving us time to kick ass. One of the downfalls to my tychokinesis is the Quantum Precognition that comes with it, meaning I can perceive all the outcomes of an situation. I tend to see some pretty painful stuff; some I cannot find ways to control. I think to the next five minutes and see where Bucky's being held.

        "I know where he is" I shout to Rogers as he punches the lights out of the last guard. 

        "You go find him, I'll take these guys out." I nod and rush to cell block E, cell number 4 where I see a man in an crusty grey jumpsuit with long hair sitting on the floor. I imagine the door popping open and step back a foot. 2 seconds later the door swings open.

        "Sgt. James Buchanan Barnes, consider your ass saved." I say, walking in. Bucky stands,

        "Who are you?" Wow, I break you out of confinement and you ask questions? I roll my eyes,

        "You want my full name, social security number, and a detailed Power Point about my life while we're at it?" He gives me a confused look,

        "Huh?" I swear, it's like talking to a caveman. 

        "Just come with me!" I yell, running toward the exit while Bucky follows closely. I then stop in my tracks.

        "Why'd you stop?" He questions. 

        "In exactly 50 seconds Steve will be taken away to the cell that I just took you out of. If we get there in 20 seconds, we will be able to stop it from happening. A second more and it'll be too late."

        As we ran, I counted out load. Sadly, I cannot manipulate this sense I do not have a current visual on Rogers. By the time we get to the scene, 23 seconds passed.

        "We're too late." I speak. I see Rogers fighting them off best he can and figure that fate could possibly be changed. "Rogers, come on!" I yell to him.

        "Just take Bucky and go! I'll be fine, just leave!" He responds. I then set forward to run and help, but the feeling of cold metal wrapped around my wrist and whipped me around.

        "We should listen to him. We need to go before all three of us end up back there." Bucky convinces me. I give up and we both run back to the bus.

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