Chapter 3

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Lydia's POV

We made it back without an issue and started discussing Bucky's living plans at the HQ.

"I barley have enough room in my apartment for myself as it is." Steve explained.

"Well, I just moved into my new place. It's pretty big... I could use the company... and someone to help unpack." I offered, being generous.

"Done and done." Bucky immediately responded. Steve lent him some clothes and we got into my car.

"When we get there you should probably rest up. I'd be exhausted too if I was stuck in a tiny cell for two month with nothing but my thoughts." Bucky looked down,

"You just described it like you have been through it." I let out a small laugh,

"There are a lot of things you don't know about me, Barnes." I explained.

"I look forward to learning everything." Bucky tells. I grin and we take off to my new home.

We park in the driveway and walk into the 4 bedroom, 2 and a half bath home with boxes stacked and scattered around every room.

"So why the move?" Bucky asked.

"I move every 20 years or so to avoid suspicion. I've had 4 identities in my life to ensure my safety from nosey assbags. Of course, my realy name is Lydia Lori Knox to the trustworthy. To the rest, I'm Iris Jade Swayze." I explain. Bucky grins,

"So I'm trustworthy?" I shrug,

"Any friend of Steve's is a friend of mine."

"Likewise." He responds. I take a look at him and see a little dirt on his cheek. I giggle,

"C'mere." I lick my thumb and reach up to rub it off. My eyes navigated from the spot to his eyes and a second passed when I realized that I went from simply cleaning a speck off of his face to lightly caressing it. I clear my throat and let go, "You should go shower. Down the hall and to the left is the master bedroom where you'll find a bathroom connected." Bucky nods and heads that way when I go to grab my car keys. "I'm gonna run to the store for some food now that there's a massive man/cyborg in my home."

I pull up to my house with some groceries and carry them inside.

"Bucky? I got some stuff for dinner. I was thinking about baking chicken." I yell, putting the milk in the fridge.

"Sounds great." I hear him yell back. I look around,

"Where are you?"

"Master bedroom." Bucky responds. I go in there to see him putting together the full sized bed that I was going to fix up tomorrow. I had been sleeping on the mattress and box-spring on the floor.

"You really didn't have to do that." I tell. Without looking up from the toolbox, Bucky replied,

"No, I insist. Wouldn't want you sleeping without a platform anymore." I raised my eyebrows,

"Oh, okay... thank you. I'm just gonna get in the shower." I go into the bathroom and shut the door, realizing that older gentlemen values and manners weren't just a Rogers thing.

When I finish my shower I ring out my hair, wrap the towel around my body, and walk out to find Bucky fast asleep on the newly made bed. I knew he was exhausted. Given that he was comatose, I went ahead and started to put on my sleepwear. I dropped my towel and went to my dresser to get a pair of undies, but not before stopping at the mirror to brush my hair.

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