Chapter2: The hero has messed up

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The sentences in parentheses are Taehyung's thoughts.

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While sitting in Lee's office, he sits next to the trembling boy and hugs him to calm him down.

He just realized what a fool he was!

( 3 million damn won !

That was all the money I had left after leaving my family and buying a house! What plans I  had for this money. I wanted to live comfortably for the rest of my life. Traveling, having fun, enjoying my life without having to work. Now I spent all that money for being a fucking hero! Now I understand why no other idiot has reacted to that brutal scene! Because no one is as stupid as me!

Maybe I should go home to my father. I say "I was wrong. I wasted all that money. Please let me back home." I will live the way they want for the rest of my life. I'll bury all my dreams and become an ordinary idiot or a well-known business man who subtly does the opposite, money laundering, human trafficking, bribery. No! I can not live like this. I'm looking for a job. I work to support myself and this child. No! No. I can't.)

_ Mr. Kim?

Lee's voice made him back to the real world:

_ I'm listening to you. 

_ This is the consent of our dear Jung Kook so that you will not have any legal problems later. As you can see, he signed it by himself.

He handed the document to Taehyung and went to Jung Kook. Caresses his face with the back of his hand:

_ You are very lucky, Jung kook. Be a good boy to Mr. Kim.

Taehyung noticed the sharp tremble of Jung kook's body under Lee's hand. He went forward and pushed Lee's hand aside:

_ Thank you, boss Lee. We have to go.

Lee sneered at Jung kook:

_ Of course, Mr. Kim. I understand. have fun.

Taehyung takes the boy's hand and follows him cautiously. He is well aware of the his fear.

(He probably thinks I'm like that bitch and bought him for slavery! I'm not sure exactly what I bought him for, but I'm not a damn sadist and I do not need a slave. I just wanted to save him. Even at the cost of ruining my life and the future. by my own!

How should I live without money now? How do I take care of this boy? I can not take my own responsibility and now I have to take care of a child without money! Great! Congratulations to you Kim Taehyung. You messed up! messed up!)

The closer they get to the car, the more the baby shakes. Taehyung wanted to give the necessary explanations in the car, but as it was going, the child might faint at any moment and not even get in the car. So he stood there by the street, turned the boy towards him, and put his hand on his shoulder.

Jung kook panicked and lowered his head even lower than it was.

_See Jung kook. I do not intend to bother you. You saw that I saved you from that man, didn't you?

But if I did not buy you, Lee  would sell you to someone else. I have neither sadism nor the need for slavery. I just bought you so I can get you out of that damn place. look.

He reached into his bag and tore the consent form, which was in fact a kind of legal slavery document, in front of Jung kook.

_ Did you see? I do not want a slave. I do not want to bother you.  I am not that rich to spend money on this shit. That 3 million was all the money left from the my inheritance. I'm penny less now. I don't even have a cent anymore and no psychic has spent all his property on a slave.

(No psychic spends all his assets on being a damn hero Kim Taehyung shi!)

He ignored the sound of his mind and continued:

_ So please be calm. Okay? I just want to take care of you.

Again, he ignored the voice of his mind that asked "exactly why and how do you want to take care of this child?"

Why and how did he really want to take care of that child ?!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2022 ⏰

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