run run as fast as u can ch.1

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tommy was running that's all he ever did. he ran from exile he ran from techno he ran from puffy when she offered therapy. he tried to run from dream in the prison, but it seems all his running had finally caught up with him he was killed. when he was revived what did he do he ran.

he ran to his house to try to cope with what had happened in the prison. Sam couldn't be trusted he had left him in that prison with dream. He wanted to go home back to a time when he could come home to see techno reading a book by the fireplace while Wilbur was fine tuning his guitar and philza and Kristen cooked in the kitchen.

 but he would never have that. he went to the bathroom to try and freshen up a bit so he at least could get the feeling of blood off his clothes. he looked in the mirror and was shocked at his reflection it was pale as a sheet, a stark white streak of hair ran down his forehead. he was terrified of his own reflection. he understood why many reacted so negatively now. they must have been at least a little terrified of your appearance. 

that's not true they were just mad that u came back at all.

  he needed to go for walk. he put on his shoes and decided to walk around the sever a bit.

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