the choice ch.2

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Bryan was in short terms not having a good day.

 he had run out of a certain flower and emerald powder and cherry blossom flowers all of which he knew he needed for a time sensitive potion.  sur he could grind up emerald to make emerald powder, yes, he could go and pick some random trees cherry blossoms. But the problem was the flower. The only place they were all together was the main smp! the flower only grows there. Yes, traders near there pick them up but who knows how much they have in stock or if they will be fresh enough for his potion.

 sure, he could wait until Xylo got back from his little quest to get more amethyst for his amethyst shop and but then have to wait another four or five days just so he can trade with villages to get the flowers. plus, the journey to and from there. but that would take too long! the timing would be set off and he would need to wait another six months!

 or he could go the main smp himself. he would still make it on time to do this potion.

 sure, none of his friends wanted to go anywhere near the hell hole. and they always said "if you have to get anywhere near there take one of us with you." everyone was busy at the moment all out doing something while he is stuck in his witch's tower. but the items he needs are there so what's the harm its only one time...


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