A start

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Hello everyone I am sorry it has taken longer than expected to start this story. As you can tell with the title this is a continuation of Three Little Snakelings. It will involve Sirius's escape, hopefully with less trauma to the three.

I want to clear up some things. All three children had their partial inheritances affected by the Basilisk's venom. Hadrian is a Neko Dragon, Camelia is a Dryad Dragon and Evelyn is a Dhampir Dragon. This is because the Dragon was passed through the Slytherin line, Lily only displayed a little before because she was confused and scared so James took the credit for the damages and this cemented his role for her.

The entire Weasley clan will know about Ginny, Luna and Eve being mates. Only Ron and Ginny will "officially" know the truth because Fred and George have the map. Molly will calm down a bit but still is distrustful of all Slytherins, Sirius and Remus. Grandma Minnie will be openly protective of her Snakelings/cubs. Dumbledore will do his best to shape Harry and Eve but still believes the Dursleys are doing their part.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 19 ⏰

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