ch. 2

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author's note: this takes place after the green knight had knicked gawain's neck and during the speech that the green knight is giving


"I consider you polished as white and as perfectly clean as if you had never fallen since first you were born", the green knight said bowing down to Gawain. Gawain chuckled, "you do not have to be so formal to me." The green knight smiled and got back on his two feet, "what I'm saying is.. you have proven that you are a noble knight." Gawain sighed in relief, "I really thought you were going to chop off my head." The green knight laughed and grabbed Gawain by the waist. He grabbed his chin and kissed him.

There it was.

The same fireworks that went off every time he kissed Sir Bertilak was back. Gawain quickly pulled away, he was obviously flustered. "I- how.." The green knight then shifted into Sir Bertilak, "How else was I supposed to keep a eye on you?" Gawain was dumbfounded, "It was... you all along?" Sir Bertilak grabbed Gawain's hand, "Let's go back to my castle... as for my wife, she won't touch you again," Sir Bertilak squeezed Gawain's hand tightly, "because you're mine now." Gawain smiled and laid his head on Sir Bertilak's shoulder. They walked back to the castle and lived happily ever after.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2022 ⏰

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