Chapter 15

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*Louis P.o.v*

I was in shit! Deep stinky shit! Management found out about me and Violet.

*Violet P.o.v*

I was shoving stuff into my school bag, getting ready for another day at school.

“Done!” I exclaimed, threw my backpack over my shoulder and walked down the stairs. “BYE!” I called out.

“See you!” Liam yelled.

That was odd I thought as I locked the door behind me Louis didn’t even say bye.

I just shrugged it off. For all I knew he was on the toilet!


My bus pulled up in front of my school and I reluctantly climbed out into the cool air. I wasn’t looking forward to attending school. I had broken up with Justin and girls were going to swarm me again. I closed my eyes and walked into the school grounds ignoring all the excited and mean looks that I was getting. I was hoping that today, just today I could be invisible.

I climbed the stairs to my first period classroom secretly hoping that if I hung out there I could avoid all the looks and whispers.

I arrived to see three girls from my class standing and waiting. They didn’t look mean.

“OMG! You are Violet Malik!” The girl with red hair exclaimed jumping up and down slightly. I smiled and nodded not wanting to correct her.

“Can I get your autograph?” the girl with huge silver hoop earnings and platinum blond hair asked.

“Sure.” I said and she passed me her English book and a Sharpie. “What’s your name?” I asked looking up at her. Her smile flickered a it before regaining full strength.

“Bella.” She said and I nodded and finished singing.

“Thank you so much! Now that we are friends can I have Liam’s phone number?” Bella asked and I was taken back. I only singed something for her! I didn’t buy friendship bracelets.

“Umm…I think Paul would kill me.” I said smiling hoping that they would just laugh it off.

“You are soooo useless!” the third girl exclaimed she had dark brown hair and bright red lipstick on. I frowned a little at her accusation.

“I agree! I just wanted my idols phone number!” Bella exclaimed and pushed her way into the room followed by the two other girls. I sighed. I take back what I thought before about them being nice.

*Louis P.o.v*

“You know you are an idiot?” Liam asked looking me dead in the eye. I nodded.

“I know but I really do love her Liam. I really do.” I whispered the last part but I saw his eyes soften as he let out a long sigh.

“Look just tell the others and we can try and solve everything before she gets home. Ok?” all I could do was nod.

*Violet P.o.v*

“Remember class, I need your notes in by Wednesday!” my PE teacher yelled at us as we started to walk out of the class room. it was last period thank the lord!

Louis had said yesterday that he would pick me up this afternoon, so I hummed as I walked out of the school gates ignoring the girls following me, hoping to get a glimpse of their idol. I spotted Louis car and casually walked towards it while the group of girl behind me was arguing who should go and talk to him. I shook my head at their stupidity.

I opened the car door and gave Lou a huge happy smile, which he returned with a small one.

“What’s wrong?” I asked after I had shut the door. Louis avoided making eye contact as he drove off. “Louis?” I asked frowning. He let out a sad sigh.

“Babe, I love you do you know that?” he asked.

“Yes and I love you to but how does that answer my question?” I asked and I saw his shoulders sag a little as he sighed once again.

“Management know about us.” He said and I shrugged.

“Soo?” I asked.

“And they are not happy.”

 *Violet P.o.v*

This was bittersweet. The sweet part was I got to miss out on school tomorrow; the bitter part was I had to attend a meeting with One Direction’s management.

I flopped onto my bed and stared at the celling before remembering the note in my bag. I quickly jumped up, grabbed the note and ran downstairs.

“LOOOOOOOOOOUUUU!!”I called out as soon as I arrived in the kitchen.

“VIIIIIIOOOOOLLLLTTTTTTEEEEE!!” He replied rolling his eyes. I smiled as I handed him the slip of paper.

“I don’t know what to do! I’ve never had to dance like that before!” I exclaimed and he nodded while reading the slip. He took a sip of his tea and he placed the note down.

“I’ll teach you.” He stated placing his tea down. “Go and hop into a dress.” He ordered, I nodded and ran all the way back up the stair case.


“Ok so now place your hand here, and your other here.” Louis instructed me for the millionth time. “Now back two, three forward-OUCH!” I stomped on Lou’s foot again.

“OMG I am sooo sorry!!” I exclaimed bitting my lip as he hopped around.

“Let’s try something new.” He said.

“But we’ve tried everything!” I exclaimed and he smiled crookedly.

“Not everything.” He winked cheekily and ran upstairs. I whipped the sweet off my brow and walked into the kitchen and grabbed myself a glass of water.

“Here we are!” Louis exclaimed from the living room. We’d pushed everything back to make room for my horrid dancing.

“An Ipod dock?” I asked and he winked and started to play Turning Tables by Adel. I smiled as I walked towards him and placed my hands where he told me to earlier.

“One, Two, three, one, two ahh!” I stood on his toe again.

“Sorry!” I exclaimed and he pulled me closer to him.

“Just go with the music.” He whispered into my ear. I took a deep breath and just let go.


“OMG I DID IT!!” I squealed and jumped up, wrapping my legs around Louis’s waist and kissed him so passionately that people on the other side of the world could feel it. He walked us up stairs and closed my bedroom door.

“Do you want to?” he asked concern for me burning behind his eyes.

“Yes.” And you can guess where it went from there.

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