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Saturday came in a flash and I quickly found myself nervously knocking on Demi's door

- I'm coming!! Wait a bit!!

I heard shuffle and her steps approaching the door while checking if everything was okay.. I had the flowers on my back but made sure to adjust my tuxedo

We were going out to fancy shmancy restaurant that I've payed for the night.. I really hoped she was all about these romantic things or I would get completely cut off on the first date..

Second actually..

Or third, fourth..

Damn, what do we have actually? We kiss and we flirt.. are we dating? No..

Before I got too deep in my argument, I noticed the door opening and Demi appearing.. She looked damn fine!

She had black high heels that made her legs look longer and a beautiful black dress that showed off her curves.. She looked like a hot woman!

Her hair had loose curls and it looked great on her.. I couldn't stop looking at her curves though.. They got me speechless

- Um.. hi? - She chuckled making my eyes go back to her beautiful smile

I cleared my throat feeling nervous as hell and trying to remember what I rehearsed before

- Hum.. He.. Hello-.. Hey.. You.. you hum.. look..

What the fuck Nicholas?

I felt so uncomfortable suddenly but not a bad type of uncomfortable.. I couldn't describe it.. I looked down at my shoes and extended my arms showing her the bouquet of flowers

- Aww.. - she said picking them up

I looked back up and watched her turn around with the always flawless smile on her face

I adjusted my tuxedo once again and followed her to the living room where she placed the flowers

- I'm ready. Let's go? - she asked taking her white long jacket

I nodded and we both went out her house and down to the street where I had my car

We got inside, me opening her door of course, and drove down tow towards New York, which was a few minutes ahead

We went into the expensive restaurant and I told the woman what was my reservation.. she nodded and took us towards the elevator to the last floor

Once the elevator opened, I smiled seeing the big room.. it had a dance floor and dim lights.. it had a piano and a guitar on the back just like I asked.. a small bar for us to make our own drinks and a table for two with candles.. on the end it had a balcony with an amazing view

Next to the piano, it had sofas and a big round table with a single vase

Demi loved and since it was only 3pm, we started by playing songs like we always did.. that made me a little less nervous since I was a wrack if nerves

As the hours went by, we decided to have our dinner at 8:00pm so we did.. we had a great time talking and joking..

- This is all so beautiful Nick.. you got some good taste..

- You like it?

She gasped putting her drink down - You serious? This is flawless!

- Good to know.. I was scared you would hate it..

- That's like impossible! - she laughed

We kept eating and then went to the dance floor to have fun..

We danced to a few songs until a slow came. I felt so in love with her.. I wanted to take her to see the world and make her laugh all the times..

I hugged her tightly as we balanced at the sound of "Spoiled" by Joss Stone

She had a soft smile on her face and her arms wrapped around my neck

- Jokes apart, you look stunning - I smile winking at her

She smiled looking down - Thank you.. you look so handsome too. That tuxedo though

I chuckled and she looked back up at me

- Demi.. I really fucking love you.. like I've never loved someone.. it's just too strong

She smiled blushing and I kept going on

- Demi.. wanna be my girlfriend? Wanna be mine so we can shout it to the world?

She nodded - With one condition..

I smiled closing the gap between our foreheads - Anything..

- If we don't work out, we have to at least be friends 'cause.. you're literally the only person in my life..

- Don't worry Demi.. You're not alone anymore.. - I smiled leaning down to kiss her passionately

She kissed me as hard as I kissed her and soon her hands were lost in my hair which drove me kinda crazy

She has become a drug to my body.. I've been think about her 24/7, been dreaming about her and I, been anxiously waiting to see her every time..

It's becoming like a real drug but a good one in some sort of form

We stumbled backwards until her back was touching the piano's curve and I leaned more to her trapping her in my arms

My hands touched the piano wood but hers never left my face and hair.. this was getting so hot so suddenly..

- Don't you thinks it's hot in here? - she mumbled like she was reading my mind

Her hands went down and she unbuttoned my shirt which caused me to grab her wrists to stop her

- Demi what are you doing?

She stared at my eyes - Huh?

- Demi, you're a virgin.. I don't want to get advantage of you

- You won't.. unless you're lying when you say you like me and you wanna be my boyfriend.. I thought you wanted this..

- No Demi, what I meant is, don't you wanna wait until you're completely sure the guy is the one?

She looked down - You did not wait..

- And I regret it so much! - I chuckled pulling her chin up and hugging her

We stared into each others eyes for a little bit until I spoke again - You've been through a lot of stuff.. I can see it when you look me in the eyes.. I think this is something you should preserve since it's something pure..

Demi rolled her eyes - Wow.. how ironic.. the womanizer doesn't want to have sex with me.. I must be really ugly then

- Don't you dare say that even if you're joking! you are beautiful and amazing and I don't want you to regret anything anymore.. that's all - I smiled

She looked back up watching me closely until her smile started appearing. She hugged me and I sighed

- I swear to god that if you fuck other girls to satisfy yourself, I will cut that thing off of you

I laughed loudly and kissed her head - All I need is right here right now..

Don't Forget to Take A Breath (Nick & Demi) (Nemi)Where stories live. Discover now