Twenty One Part 2

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I went in rehabilitation that week and it was really hard for me.. I was accompanied from the hospital into the facility since someone told them I was going against my will

That first week was really hard.. It was like going to school for the first tim ever.. you felt like everyone was judging you and shit..

While I was in rehab, in the first month, no one could come visit me since the shrink who analyzed me said I had hit the rock bottom.. I was alone in the world once again but not once in a second did I stop thinking about Nick

I was so mad at first.. I felt like he just betrayed me.. it was like sticking a knife and twisting it but as I was getting better, my thoughts changed and I started to see why he did this

I was now in my third month.. almost going away.. I only had this one and the next month to go..

My family finally had the balls to visit me recently and I was actually kinda glad my mom still gave a slight shit about me..

It was the only time they came though.. they just came to say they were proud of me reaching for help..

Of course I didn't said shit so they just went away..

I sat by the couch next to the other addicts who lived with me.. all if us just listening to the TV

Some of them were drawing and reading.. Like me.. I was reading a great book that I've read for about 20 tomes since I came until I heard the TV

My eyes shot open and my head just turned upwards as I let the book fall.. a proud smile on my face with a hint of tears

- Being the new hot topic, Nick Jonas is our man crush of the week.. His first album has been a hit so we got a special interview with him.. don't miss it next on MTV

I couldn't believe my eyes.. my Nick.. in my TV

- Demetria are you okay? - I heard an employee

- My boyfriend.. he's.. he's living the dream..

The woman looked shocked at me like I was crazy.. Of course she thought I was crazy

- Nick Jonas?

I nodded smiling at the TV as his beautiful face popped up again

- I just miss him so much.. - I said feeling my heart sink

The interview started and everyone was silent probably because I was crying for him.. I can't describe how I felt when I saw him smile and laugh.. last time we talked I said for him to fuck off...

I was a terrible person..

- So Nick, being the hot topic you are, I guess there are lots of fans waiting to be miss Nick J's.. anyone special?

I giggled and looked for the remote putting it louder

He shook his head and chuckled a little - It's complicated..

- Complicated? How's that? You either have a girlfriend or you don't

He gulped and I felt my heart aching.. I missed him so damn much..

- It's just complicated.. I still don't know if we really are together..

- Is that girl Miss Selena Gomez?

He laughed shaking his head - No.. Sel and I are great friends.. always have been always will be.. She's an awesome girl

- Right.. so..

The interviewer continued talking about his album and how they were showing the videoclip of his hit single "Chains"

Watching the interview and the videoclip made me miss him even more than I did before..

The fact that he still thought about me made me flutter..

I need to see him..

I cleaned my tears as the nurse asked if I was alright

I nodded - Can I ask someone to come?

She frowned - Demi, Nick Jonas is not your boyfriend.. you're getting delusional..

- What the fuck?! Go fucking see the papers! He's the one who put me in here! - I shouted at her - I'm not crazy!

She rolled her eyes - If that will prove you then lets see them Demi

I rolled my eyes and we went down the hall towards the entrance where she looked through the enormous pile of files until she found mine

- Wait.. - I said - If he is Nick Jonas, can you call him so he can visit me?

She sighed - Yeah Demi..

I nodded and she opened the file.. just like I predicted her eyes widened

"Nicholas Jerry Jonas"

- Oh my god Demi.. Imm sorry I called you crazy..

I shook my head - Just call him so I can see him..

She did and he told her he would come as soon as possible..

A few days later I heard a car outside but it had lots of people shouting and stuff

We thought it was a celebrity coming in since that was pretty much what happened every month

Me and some of the girls went to the door and walked outside to see who was coming

I couldn't believe my eyes as his smile appeared around the corner

I completely forgot about the world and about the fact that there were lots of cameras around us and let my book fall to the ground

I started running down the few small steps and the jumped into his arms

- I missed you so much Nick..

He chuckled and rubbed my back and kissing my neck - I missed you too Dee..

I started bawling my eyes out in his neck and he started moving towards the building carrying me in his arms

- It was so hard Nick.. I fucking hate you for putting me here

He chuckled a little - I know you do.. it didn't came out of my mind once

I sniffed and jumped off to the ground

- I saw your interview! How's life? Are you doing good? Are you happy? What about school? Did you pass? And your family? Wha-

He pulled me closer and leaned down to kiss me inside the doors where no one could see us.. just the people in the facility

I missed him so much.. I didn't want to let go.. I had my world back and I didn't wanna let it go..

He pulled back - I just missed you.. that's all you gotta know..

I nodded and hugged him tight - We have to catch up

Don't Forget to Take A Breath (Nick & Demi) (Nemi)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora