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I head on out the backdoor and skipped across our yard to the garage. "I call shotgun!" Yelled Blake has he spotted me. "Don't care!" I yelled back. I stop skipping in the middle of the yard and took a deep breath in. I usually stop randomly to take in breath of the air just to smell it but mostly in the morning because when I do, the whole world just stops. The birds chirping become faint, the cars passing slow down, and world feels like it stops but only for a slight moment.

A slight delay in time.

A slight pause.

A slight right pass.

A slight feeling that you didn't know was there as if you could do something big.

But moments like those always sadly come to an end like a story kinda.


I go into the garage and get into the van. On our way to our bus stop we drop of the littles at school and then go to the post office and to my surprise I didn't notice the package that Mom had picked up. It was a fairly small size box and blue but the kids didn't say anything which was unusual or that I didn't see it, which was unusual of me also. Knowing me I knew it was going to bother me all day even if I forgot and so I had to ask, "Mom?" "Yes hun?" "What's in the box and what is it for?" She hesitant and I could tell by her facial expressions she was trying to come up with an excuse or look for someone to drive the conversation a different way. We all stood there waiting for what seems like forever but it was only for a minute. Finally, she popped the box in the mailbox, smiled and said "Just a present for an old friend of mine." She paused for a moment then said sweetly "A birthday present." And drove off.


When Mom dropped us off at our bus stop, I immediately started to nag Blake about what the package was and what it was for. "Oh my god, Robin! Stop! Didn't you hear Mom? She said it was a birthday present for a friend." Blake groaned. "But she usually dose it when we aren't in the car. And it's a little suspicious that she also hesitant." I said jumpy "Can't you just leave it?" Blake said as he tries to walk away. "No she Canada't don't you know?" Said Steve.

Oh my, how do I explain him? Steve is a but annoying guy that everyone just does not like. People never take the time to get to know Steve because they never have any patience to be with him. Now don't get me wrong I once in a blue moon can't stand him either but that just when I wake up on the wrong side of the bed with the wrong feelings in my chest. Like today. But he always put a smile on my face some way.

"Hi Steve! How's your morning?" I asked cheerfully. "Oh same as always. Although I couldn't help but to over hear you two's conversation," Steve said as he chuckled. "Now what's this about a package?" He asked. I could practically hear Blake roll his eye's I mean who couldn't with scoff he also did with it. "This is going to be a great week." Blake said sarcastically as I held back my laugh and just snickered. "I'm gunna go." He said walking off like he was running low of energy after a long day. "What's up with him? Or is he just being him?" Asked Steve as we both stared at Blake's walking. "Honestly, this time I'm not sure. He was acting a bit weird at the post but he probably didn't get sleep or something." I said "Oh speaking of acting!" Sung out Steve. When ever someone says the word acting this made me jumpy and excited because I myself think I'm great with acting. Every moive I have seen I re-act it pretty much the same way or with more emotion and same way with plays.

"Remember when you signed up for that Snow White play? Well I've heard that the auditions are supposed to be this weekend!" Said Steve as he walked around me. "Ugh, finally! Seems like forever ago that I signed up for that! I really hope I get one of the leading roles like the wicked witch or the evil queen." "Oh ya, so um about that" Said Steve nervously. "What?" "I saw a person's name yesterday on the sign up sheet and I figured you aren't going to be happy with it" Said Steve tencing up and bracing for impact.
"Who is it?" I ask slowly but irritated as I guess who it might be.
"Well um, guessing by your tone it seems you know who so no need for me to say there name, right?" Said Steve now scared enough that he might as well sign his death wish for saying that name.
"Who is it Steve? Come on you can tell me. I probably won't be that mad" I said sweetly as I took his hand and stared innocently into his eyes like a puppy dog.

He took a gulp and looked everywhere to find a way out of the problem he had corrned himself into. "How about if you tell me who it is then I'll buy you some chips at lunch? I know how much you like cheesys." I said trying to bribe him. He still kept trying not to make eye contact. Finally I got inpatient and let go of his hands giving up even though I knew who it was. But just when I was about to walking away Steve did what everyone did and gave in. "So chessys you say?" I grin and swing back around "Yep! Maybe dessert?" I said getting pushy "Okay okay! You got me!" He sighed as if he couldn't believe he was picking up the pen to sign. "It Emma who also signed up." He finished hold his breath. "Last name? We have like five Emma's in our school" I said starting to get annoyed. He took a breath and said the one word I could hate more then anything in the world, "Lee. Emma Lee." He said exhaling.

Emma Lee. The girl who thinks she owns the world! Her parents basically own the town but mostly the school so she probably did it to annoy me or her parents bribed her with makeup or what not to make her sign up for. I think to myself 'Can she even act? She probably won't even take this seriously!' I could feel my blood start to boil and realizing before I burst out of anger. I must have been silent for a long time before I hear Steve yelling. I look over and see Clementine with some trading cards. I took a few deep breath and decide it wasn't worth the energy to go over. I skipped to where Steve and Clemen were and saw that they were trading cards. "Good morning, Clementine." I said smiling

"Good morning, Robin. A cloudy today." She said sweetly but bored.

"My kinda of weather I'd say. What cards are those?"

"Not sure but Steve does. I found them in my closet yesterday."

"Sweet! Mind if I join?"


I sat down looked through the cards. They were a theme of what seemed to be fantasy like fairies, dragons, elfs, wizards, and more. After a while I look up and see the different school busses coming our way and more kids had showed up. I helped pick up and pack my friends stuff and stood up. "I'll see you at lunch then." I said waving good bye and getting on my bus and finding a empty seat. I look through my bag to find my mp3 player and earphones. I play music on the bus or when I'm in a car or moving vehicle because I can't stand the sound for some reason. It's annoying or I get scared to the point I freak out. I get annoyed now mostly but when I younger I would freak out and cry to the point it would break anyone's heart. To me it sounds like flint and steel but without the spark and just the grinding with white noise and white noise in general just makes me tense up.

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