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"Alright. Thank you." I slightly bowed towards the manager and he left me with the person that I chose myself for the guy who'll be doing his work for sure today. "Thanks, Bri. For helping me out in this. He's quite nervous but he's really determined to his work."

"Oh. No problem, Crystal. That's fine. I've worked with several shy boys and men. It'll be alright." The girl next to me was delighted to do her work with confidence. "Where is he?"

And just then, the man of everyone's dream walked by and I caught him right there, parching a wide curve on my happy face. "Here he is! Jungkook, meet Bri. Your partner for practicing those mature scenes with you. All alone, without anyone."

"Um. Hi." He waved towards her and I could tell that even his astonishing rough charms got Bri drooling over him so badly. "Are you sure that this will going to work?"

"Of course! For more eloquent reason. You'll be blindfolded so that first? You gets familiar with the feeling and then when you'll ready-"

"I'll take that blindfold off. Right?" He completed the next part of my sentence.

"Yes." I looked him in the eyes and he nodded with much concern with rather another smirk.

"Sounds fun." I was glad that he got agreed as the next thing we did, was to equipt a soundproof room for him so that he doesn't gets uncomfortable by the fact that anyone would be listening him. He already went shirtless while now standing in just his raven pants and watched few people around himself setting up those lights yet few cameras. "Miss Crystal, I told you that I don't want much people around me."

"Big muscles! Don't get nervous. They'll be leaving after setting up everything." I rest assured him and he exhaled his nervousness. "And? Don't call me Miss Crystal. Just Crystal would be fine. We are of the same age."

"Well. Big muscles didn't know that." I liked it when he got playful around me and I chuckled for sure.

"Alright, guys. You may leave now." I told to the men who set up all the priviliges for him to perform the act for real today. Or more like for reel. When I smiled towards the rest of the staff and few men emptied the area, whereas Jungkook stood close towards the bed along with Bri. "Alright, big muscles. You ready?"

"Well like, ready as always. Isn't he?" Bri quickly tied up that black silky blindfold around his eyes and everything blacked out for him the next minute when a push that he received so early, making him fall over the bed.

I hurriedly whispered in her ear, making sure that she stays cool with him. "Bri, be careful. He's sensitive."

"Oh, that's great! Than, it will be fun to play with this baby here."

"Bri, I'm serious! Be careful. Do enough to make him become familiar with the feeling. Okay?" I loud whispered in her face.

"Fine. Fine. Get the camera in rolling. Because, I'm about to devour this sweetness." I was confident over her because she was the best to get him rightly.

As he told me, there was really only me along with just one man who was holding the camera onto that hot mess on bed when Bri was doing absolutely great with him. The camera was rolling and I was fully focused towards everything that was happening in front of me. Bri turned him over and started playing with his elegant and heavenly body while his chest began to breath faster. Right after feeling her hands over himself, he grew anxious to find more about this feeling and gripped the sheets tightly. Luckily the rest of the members were gone out and he was alone to practice his stunts. While the camera was still stuck on them both, I left my chair and went towards the bed just to instruct them both to change positions now, when I slowly whispered into Jungkook's ear and told him to rule a little over her, and as if he was ready for my command, he did turn her over and started tasting out her skin. I'd be lying if I say that I didn't enjoy it. He was doing amazing which made me believe that he has been determined with his work.

I had my sight over the camera that was rolling and man that was all so eye-catching. In few minutes that he began to devour her burning skin, by the way he was rolling his tongue around her neck. Bri surely helped him well in making him destroy her a little when her fingers exotically grazed through his hair and to my surprise, he was actually doing great. Still with that blindfold over his sight, Jungkook was going through the rhythm that he was feeling at the moment when he was slowly showering those sweet kisses on her and instead of moaning? That made her giggle and I didn't want that.

"Girl, you're supposed to be moaning and feeling it all!! Not laughing and playing around!" I annoyingly whispered while zooming in to their faces and I saw that Jungkook was already around her neck while holding it in place and placing another wet kiss on her neck, which surely made her squeak a little and a satisfied smirk ruled my face. "Yes. That's right."

I saw how he suddenly made an exquisite progress over her when I watched his fingers diving in hers and he slightly grinded over her body. He was doing excellent with her when he completely owned her body at once by surrounding her from everywhere as both of them scrubbed against each other when their bodies were surely warm by now. He ran his luscious wet lips so well all over her chest yet her neck when his palms were pasted against hers along with his daringly hot physique pressing her firmly and now, all I needed was a kiss to be delivered by his side when, just when Bri removed the blindfold from his eyes while he panted with heavy breaths and sweats, just when she held his face over herself and got ready for a kiss. He lost all of his confidence right there when his breaths went even higher and he kept on staring her bluntly.

"Cut!" I announced right when I saw that disturbance in his eyes and he pulled apart while sitting next to Bri on bed. I approached his panting state right away. "Jungkook, what's wrong? What happened? You were doing so great!"

"I-I... I don't want to do the ki-kissing part." And everything went down the hill right when he mentioned that. "I-I'm sorry."



Why? Jungkook, why? 😭

The Scripted Jumble - JJK 🔞Where stories live. Discover now