like the rest of us

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We rake the leaves in a tense silence because if either of us opened our mouths we would probably start to fight. We already had to go to Madam Pomfrey for burns and cuts, we weren't ready to return quite yet.

We were nearing the end of our duties for that day and curfew was nearing when he finally spoke, spoke as though it was hard for him to interact with me. "why'd you do that?"

I glance at him with a flat look, but underneath the memory of what had been and what it turned into still hurts when I look at him. "I don't need any special treatment just because of who my family is." I watch him turn away and feel like he is dismissing the words as though not believing them. "You act like you don't know me like you are trying to convince yourself I'm some different person you never meant, but that's not true, you know me, Sirius." I take a breath and leave, walking a bit quickly towards the castle, not sure if the words would set him off and not really in the mood for a fight.

Sirius POV

"Alright, Padfoot what's the deal with Y/L/N?" I sigh and twiddle with the radio some more. We'd been having Marlene and Remus fiddle with it and try to make muggle stations come through, but it has yet to work.

"What about Y/L/N, Prongs?" I ask, trying to seem completely oblivious so maybe he'd get bored of the subject.

He slaps at my cheek a little to get me to look at him, "You convinced me to almost drowned her I think I deserve to know?"

"Drowned is a little more than I'd call that." I defend myself, but his look persists, "I knew her when I was a kid, what's more to know?" I try to pass it off, even though I know it won't work.

"Padfoot, how about why you hate her?" I look back at him and he seems earnest at the moment and earnest James is hard to handle.

I look down at my hands, thinking, I clench my teeth, "She was sorted into Slytherin."

Your POV

There is one other person I care about in Slytherin House and he barely remembers who I am. I meant him when he was five years old. At that time, he was still innocent and quiet and even a little happy, all thanks to his brother.

Sirius used to take care of him, shield him from their, our, world really.  Then, he got sorted into Slytherin. I don't know really what happened, but I notice things. I notice the way Sirius looks at him when they pass in the hall and Regulus doesn't. I noticed the way Narcissa would place an arm over his shoulders and steer him away. I notice the new sadness in everything the younger does.

((it is right here when I realized a discrepancy in my writing and when the girls went to school and when they were born and so this is when I decide not to care and pretend they are just a little younger.))

I hear whispering and raise my head, remaining as quiet as possible. It was dangerous to be noticed in the Slytherin common room. "Come on Regulus, it's just a little bit of cheating, everybody does it." I knew that haughty drawl anywhere and it always made my stomach curl, Lucius.

"I don't know." The younger Black mutters and I see the discomfort on his face as he enters the room from the dorm stairs.

Lucius snakes his arm onto the shoulders of the other, "come on, just a little favor to me." Starting in his second year, everybody began noticing that he had exceptional skills.

"What do you want me to do again?" He seems exasperated and a little sick to the stomach.

Lucius smiles encouragingly, "just get me the next History of Magic exam."

I sit up and grimace, "I can get that for you." Interrupting a conversation was dangerous, especially one with context involving something as such.

They both look over, Regulus seemed curious and Lucius was slightly suspicious.  "You are going to get me the next exam, Y/L/N?" He raises an eyebrow.

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