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Long ago in a far away kingdom...

Well, more like nineteen (-ish) years ago in an alternate universe, the christening of a young prince, born on December 14, takes place in the ballroom of Charming Castle, currently held by the Gaskarth Family of Ever After.

The birth of their son, Alexander, marks the beginning of a new age of fairy tales.
The Book Of Legends—a magical book of all the stories lived out by previous generations—is brought in by the brothers Grimm.

As if sensing the presence of the newborn prince, the book opens, revealing his story to be that of Prince Charming, specifically the Charming meant to wake Snow White from her poisoned curse with true loves kiss.

"Who's to be his Snow White?" Asks the queen, her thick Essex accent clear in her voice.

The brothers Grimm have no answer, and neither does it say in The Book Of Legends.

"Perhaps she hasn't been born yet," offers Milton, his brother, Giles, is still cursed with a babbling spell, "We'll let you know when we find her."

And they do find the Snow White to young Alexander's Prince Charming, nearly six months later.

The royal family of Pomum, a kingdom located on the far side of the enchanted forrest, has been expecting a child for eight months. The Book Of Legends led the brothers Grimm to Queen Barakat, the mother of the next Snow White.

Upon finding the new status of their unborn child, the Barakat family invites the Gaskarth's to stay with them until the child is born, so they may discuss the arrangements of the marriage between their children.

For the last month before the birth of the soon to be Snow White, the monarchs of each kingdom discuss the legalities and politics of the arranged marriage, while the oldest Barakat children watch over the only Gaskarth son.

While there are many years before their children will be old enough to marry, both the Barakats and Gaskarths are excited for the future of their children.

Until the eighteenth of June.

Though the birth went smoothly, without any complications, there was one unexpected twist to the new story of Snow White and Prince Charming.

Snow White is boy.

The announcement is a shock to both families, who turn to the brothers Grimm for answers, but Milton has no wisdom to offer, and all Giles has to offer is the question of, "How is a raven like a writing desk?"

The Book Of Legends does open, sensing the presence of the Snow White to be. The page it opens to is the silhouette of two young boys, holding hands as they walk through a forest, and later the silhouette of a young man leaning over his unconscious lover.

Their story is final, their future is set.

Jack Barakat is Snow White, and Alex Gaskarth will be his Prince Charming.

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