Fuck Wait He's Hot??

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A little over eighteen years later, Jack Barakat is sent to his first and only year of boarding school, at Ever After High, in the kingdom of Ever After, ruled by the family of the fiancé he's never met.
His parents were reluctant to even allow him to finish his studies at a real school, rather than the homeschooling he'd had previously. The only reason Jack is able to unlock the door of his shared dorm room is because the headmaster of the school, and carrier of The Book Of Legends, Milton Grimm, warned them of terrible consequences should the stories be tampered with.

Jack didn't get all the details. Something about the world imploding or the apocalypse or something? Jack wasn't paying all that much attention. He'd only just found out about his lifelong fiancé and supposed soulmate like three weeks ago.

Some guy named Alexander or something. Kind of a wordy name if you ask Jack. Most of his siblings have one syllable names, and so does his mom. Alexander is, like, four whole syllables, and for what? To sound all posh? Jack had been told that the Gaskarths were English. If his fiancé has a British accent he might die.

Yeah, British accents can be hot, but Jack's already pretty sure his fiancé is some stuck-up asshole, kind of like most of the royals Jack's met in his lifetime, which isn't very many. His parents mainly had Jack focus on his studies. Jack's never left the castle walls before.

Not that Jack thinks all British people are stuck-up assholes! He just feels that would really add to the caricature of this Alexander guy he's made up in his head.

To be fair the caricature has a bowler hat and looks an awful lot like the monopoly guy, but Jack's never met any of the Gaskarths, so he's not really sure what to expect.

Luckily, his roommate isn't his fiancé. Most people would want to be living with their fiancé, but not Jack. He hasn't even met the guy. Then again, he hasn't met this Rian Dawson guy either, but at least there won't be any awkward, "Hi, I've been engaged to you for my entire eighteen years of existence."

Jack actually shivers at the thought.

He opens the door to his room after spending a good three minutes with his hand on the doorknob, and is more than a little surprised to see his roommates already made himself at home on his side of the room.

One side of the room is blank and empty, and the other side is an expansive mess of fabrics and patterns draped over the desk and chair, some even handing from the walls and bed canopy.

For some reason Jack finds the absolute pigsty of bright colors and mind boggling patterns to be oddly comforting. Perhaps he's just never been in an environment that wasn't pristine and sparsely decorated.

Hell, the lack of creepy portraits of dead relatives is kind of a blessing in and of itself.

As Jack sets his things on the bed, a guy around his age with a stocky, yet muscular build makes his wait out of... the closet? Jack isn't even sure if it's a closet. The contents are mostly on the floor.

The guy looks up, a bit surprised to see his new roommate, but his inhumanly white smile is warm and welcoming. He makes his way across to Jack's side of the room and introduces himself.

"You must be Jack," Rian grins. He's wearing probably just as many patterns as his walls, but his clothes do at least seem to have a color scheme, mostly blues. "I'm not usually this messy," he explains. "It just takes a while to get everything together. Wonderland is a little hard to organize."

"You're from Wonderland?"
"Yeah! I'm actually supposed to be the next Mad Hatter. I'm not much of a hat guy though."
"The what?"

Rian gives Jack a strange look. "What what?"
"Is Mad Hatter a title in Wonderland? Like Lord or Lady?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2023 ⏰

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