A/n: Notes

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In this story, (GN!reader) is the main antagonist of the Final Destination series as the supernatural force called the Grim Reaper (or Death).

Death's job is to create freak accidents among the people and eliminate them during the events. But when the main character had a premonition of the freak accident, he/she manage to escape with the other people leaving Death enraged. So they have to create another plan to collect the survivors that they were suppose to be killed on the list.

The FD series will start from FD 5 to the FD 4 (since the fifth movie is the prequel to the first Final Destination movie. And I will also post artworks of the reader's appearance when they change through the franchise. For example, hair growth through the years and new clothing). The drawings I drew from the past are the GN!reader as human from the franchise.

And warning: This book contains violence/gore, strong language, some sexual themes, deaths, and spoilers (if you haven't seen the movie yet so beware)

Age: (your age)

(Your height and weight)

Gender: Non-binary

Eye color: Red

I hope you enjoy this story.

Can't Escape Death (Final Destination Gender Neutral reader)Where stories live. Discover now