Lonely night

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One night Jane Richardson and her wife Mary were getting ready to cook dinner, but this time the story's not about them today. It's about the true form of the devil himself Jeffrey woods better known as Jeff the killer. Also known as the man who murdered Jane Richardsons parents Bruce and Paula, today unlike other days however Jeff was sad. Not sad in the way that he like felt like crying his eyes out

But more like a loneliness. And how painful it was. A heartache that not even alcohol or smile dog could fix. Truth is Jeff was jealous of his arch nemesis Jane
The reason being is that Jane had something Jeff did not have. She had a bride!

But why would he care about something dumb like that? "Do I really look the kind of guy to be forever bonded in holy matrimony" Jeff thought in his mind.  "I'm a cold blooded killer! Not some poor pathetic sap living in the suburbs!"  He pondered in thought. Just why the hell was his mind torturing him like this? 

Also recently aside from that he had been having strange dreams about a woman with red hair. Could this be the universe giving Jeff a sign?

Jeff then suddenly snapped out of his thoughts."what the fuck? Why do I keep thinking about stuff like this?" He shouted in his twisted mind. Oh god if the other killers had seen acting like this. They would tease him and call him soft and he didn't like to be called that..... not one bit

Jeff then got a marvelously sinister idea to take his mind off that random thought rearing it's ugly little head at him.........

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