chapter one: breakfast/brunch is the most important meal of the day

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"You two," Lisa said, pointing her fork at Cris and Marc, "need to eat more healthier food, especially for breakfast." She then dropped her eyes to the McDonald's take-out cardboard food containers Cris and Marc were eating out of.

It was Sunday, and technically it was already brunch. They were at this vegan restaurant that neither Cris or Marc bothered to learn the name of because neither of them will voluntarily eat here again. The only reason they were seating there is because of Lisa.

She basically dragged them out of their beds which both of their parents were glad of. Lisa made them agree to go jogging with her last Friday when neither of them weren't really paying that much attention to her because they were still arguing about the whole Fight Club movie thing, when Lisa told them (she didn't even asked) that they were going jogging with her this coming Sunday. Both of them just absently said, "Uhuh, yeah, sure, whatever," and continued with their argument.

She first went to Cris who was hugging her pillow with drool on her face when she came into her room without knocking and forced her awake. She made her put on some pants (or in this case, sweatpants), bra, a clean shirt and brush her teeth. Then they both went to Marc's. Cris stayed behind in Lisa's car because she still wanted to get some sleep and let Lisa deal with Marc alone as some form of revenge.

So she barged in to Marc's room alone. He was shirtless, lying flat on his stomach with his right leg and arm dangling off the bed, half of his blanket was on the floor, and one of his pillows were also on the floor. When she took a deep breath to prepare herself with the task of waking up Marc she got a whiff of body spray, after shave and a distinct scent of boy smell that seemed to be present in every boys' room she's ever been in.

When shaking and slapping him didn't work, she kicked him off his bed, making a loud thud sound happen when he landed on the wooden floor of his room. She took a look over the bed and saw Marc moving and groaning, mumbling something incoherent. She walked over the bed and kicked him again and made him put on a clean shirt, pants (he wore a pair of gray jersey short instead) and brush his teeth.

When Marc was in the car, Lisa drove and parked her car with a reasonable distance from the park (as added extra step counts), puts some coins in the parking meter, shoved Cris's and Marc's running shoes to their chests (she picked it up on the way out from both of their houses because both forgot it) and ordered the two to step out of the car.

Cris and Marc didn't really jogged with Lisa per se, more like dragged their feet on the ground ten feet behind Lisa like zombies. Lisa didn't really mind, it made her feel as if she was super healthy and fit (which with the three of them together is kinda true), with her running suit and water bottle in hand.

And after forty-five minutes of this in the park, Lisa decided that it was time to rest and head back to the car and get some breakfast. Or brunch, as the case was; waking up the two made her late on her schedule, and also getting the McDonald's made them late for breakfast because they made Lisa drive around to look for a McDonald's drive-thru.

So now, the three of them were seating on the vegan restaurant's outside table while a few people throw mean glances at their table (they were eating McDonald's at a vegan restaurant) with the sun hanging bright in the sky.

Lisa stabbed her fork on an iceberg lettuce from her Caesar salad, while Cris peeled off a strip of chicken skin and crunched on it and Marc bit of a chunk of white meat from his drumstick.

"Like a salad could make you full," Cris said, peeling off another strip of chicken skin.

"Well, at least it's healthy," Lisa said, waving her fork with an olive stuck on it in front of Cris.

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