Chapter 3: "I want to forget".

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Hunter felt nothing.

It was gone, ripped to pieces, all of the ones that he wanted to forget- they were gone.

The pain, the tears- the neglect.
They were all gone.

Later at lunchtime, Hunter sat back with the others, waiting for everything to be better, waiting for his memories to disappear. By the time they all started talking, just that had happened. He still remembered basic things, common sense and logic, he had just forgotten most of his entire life. He began acting strangely, smiling as he spoke, and seeming as if nothing was strange about being with what used to be the enemy. Luz, Amity and Willow all seemed confused at this, and once lunch ended, Willow approached Hunter.

"Hey- you uh, you feeling alright there?" She asked, curious and worried. "Huh? Oh, yeah. Im doing great. Why do you ask?" Hunter smiled, seeming energetic. "Oh, nothing- just, you seem a bit- uhm.. less negative?"
"Isn't that a good thing?" Hunter questioned, confused. "I mean- normally, yes, but its just so sudden-" willow was interrupted. "Im always like this, right?" Hunter tilted his head in curiosity, seeming genuine. "Ah. No- you definitely aren't. And- why do you seem so, unsure?" She was worried, concerned about what Luz had told her before lunch started. She had some suspicions as to what was going on, but they couldn't yet be confirmed. "Hunter- can i ask you something?" She asked, in a serious tone. "Sure, go ahead." Hunter smiled.

"Do you know where you live? How does Belos treat you?" Willow interrogated, only to be met with decisive answers. "Ah! No, i dont remember exactly where i live, but im sure I'll remember soon enough- and as for Belos, he seems like a nice man." Hunter replied with a grin on his face, yet the grin twitched, faltering for a second.
"Oh boy, Luz was right- you do have it rough." Willow sighed, and took Hunter by the arm. "Come on, we're going to get you your memories back. Okay?" She asked sternly, giving a reassuring pat on the shoulder. Hunter stayed quiet. He just kept smiling, as if nothing was wrong. But after a moment, he frowned. "Please, don't." He muttered, staring at Willow. "Huh? Why not?"
"I don't know what I've forgotten, but i do know that i have a good reason to forget. So please, let me forget."

Willow frowned. "But- Hunter, i cant just let you suffer like this. You cant just ignore your problems- in the long term, this might only make it all worse." She tried to convince him, but he refused. "No, I'm happy like this. I know thats what i wanted."
"But you aren't you, Hunter." Willow stated. Stepping in front of him.
"You want to be someone you aren't, someone who hasn't gone through the same things you have- but you need to understand, that it wont fix anything." Willow held Hunter by both shoulders.
"Willow.. I'm fine. Really, I-"

"Guys!" ..It was Luz. Luz ran up to them, holding the ripped pieces of the memories. "Is Hunter okay? I found his memories, and they're all-"
"Yep. I know. He did it to himself." Willow answered, with a sigh.
"..Oh." Luz frowned, looking at Hunter. "What? I just did what was right- i think. Maybe." Hunter stepped away slightly. "Im just gonna go."
"Oh no you don't! We are getting those memories back, whether you like it or not!" Luz grabbed him by the arm, and ran off. Willow followed closely behind.

Hunter tried getting away, scared. He didn't know what was happening- he just knew that he wanted it to be over, he wanted it to be gone. It needed to be forgotten, right? Thats what he wanted, thats what would be better for everyone. But no matter what, no matter how much he would insist that he didn't need help, Luz would still try. Because shes Luz- a quirky kid who wants to fix problems for her friends. And hunter was her friend now- she could see that clearly when he sat with them at lunch the day before.

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