Orange, Yellow and A Hint of Blue

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"Hey, Clay. Wake up, I want to show you something," Wilbur the crowned prince states just above a whisper to his sleeping younger brother. 

Although they are brothers the only way you would know is by looking at the glow in their eyes and their above average heights. Wilbur has curly dark brown hair that falls just over his eyebrows and his eyes are a dark brown almost black. He stands tall and strong just like any crowned royal would. Clay on the other hand is blond with emerald green eyes. He doesn't really stand all prim and proper, but he does have the fire in his eyes that only someone determined to find success has. 

"Will, why do I have to wake up," Clay states looking around seeing that it is still pitch black outside, "the sun hasn't even woken. There is no reason to drag me out of bed." 

The only light in the room was that of a small candle the crowned prince was carrying, and even then it did not do much to light the area. It only allowed Clay to see Wilbur's face and the edge of his bed.

"Of course there is! I want to watch the sunrise with you. I think it will be fun, plus we don't spend that much time together anymore," Wilbur says with a small smile hoping that he persuaded his obstinate brother enough. 

"Fine, I guess I'll watch the sunrise with you. But I'm bringing my blanket," the younger prince says as he slowly gets up. 

"That's fine with me. As long as you're coming along," Wilbur says with now a large smile on his face. He sets down the candle on the nightstand and helps his younger brother out of his bed and onto his feet.

They walk to the balcony of the younger prince's room and open the glass doors allowing the cold air in, and them out. By the time that they had gotten outside the sun had slowly made it's way up just enough to let off a dim hue of orange along the otherwise black sky. 

"Just wait a little bit longer, then you will see why the sunrise means so much to me," Wilbur says quietly his eyes glued to the color emerging from the distant hills. 

Sure enough after only a few minutes more of watching the colors, they erupt into hues of red, orange, yellow, and if you looked closely enough you could even see the sky turning from it's night black to the blue of the day. 

"See, I told you it was worth it," Wilbur laughs as he watches his brother's face turns from a look of boredom to one of ultimate surprise and relief.

"I never thought that something that happens everyday could be so beautiful," the young prince says as he starts to lay down to look watch the sky turn into it's daily blue, "and it only lasts for a few moments in time. Thank you Will. Thanks for showing me this. I guess I can understand why you like it so much."

Even for a simple minded ten-year-old, Clay understood that very little things could mean so much to one person and nothing to the next. It all depends on perspective, and he loved the fact that he and Wilbur could share most ideas with each other.

"Of course, what kind of brother would I be if I didn't show you the things that make me happy?" he says laying down to see exactly what his brother is looking at. He lays down right next to Clay seeing that it is just the blue of the sky that he is entranced with. "I thought your favorite color was green? What's with the sudden obsession with the blue sky?"

"I honestly don't know, it just seems so warm and welcoming. Like I'm supposed to be with the color, but that makes no sense because its just a color."

Before the crowned prince can say anything there is a knock on the door, and soon enough Clay's personal maid is entering the room telling them that they have duties to fulfill and that they should not just be sitting down outside in the cold of all places. 

Wilbur rolls his eyes as he grabs his candle on the nightstand exiting the room to most likely get ready for the day himself. Clay knows that his brother has way more duties than himself so he lets him go without a single complaint.

"There is no reason to be sitting around, you could be reading, doing your lessons, training for your royal position as head o' the guard, but no. You had to be the one outside watching the time go by as though everyone has time to spare," she muddles on whilst laying the day's clothing on his royal highness' bed.

It was nothing out of the ordinary, just the usual leather boots, cotton pants, and a light green blouse that seems to big but in reality it's just designed weird. The maid wastes no time after the prince finishing dressing to brush his golden hair just enough to make it seem brushed but to make sure it still has some volume. She places a small crown on his head with a single emerald embedded into the silver base, making sure that it lined up perfectly with his nose.

"Now, go to breakfast and right after go to the library for you have lessons on the kingdom's history today," she states blankly as she holds the door open for the prince to exit the room. "Remember not to be late. Again sir."

"I will try not to this time, sorry I kept you waiting last time," he gently says as they part ways going down opposite halls.

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