Chapter 11- Arcanes

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 I lay in bed, staring at the ceiling. Cadmus was only a room away, we were only separated by a thin wall and yet I felt so far away from him. I wanted him closer- but I shouldn't. If this is what love feels like, I'm afraid of what losing him will do to me. Knowing that I had to kill him was one thing, but it was another thing trying to figure out how I would go on without him. I had known him for such a short time, but the thought of taking his life already drove spikes into my heart.

Pushing myself up from the bed, I made my way over to the wall that separated us, I leaned against it, and fell asleep, the peace of having him ten feet closer enough to satisfy me.

A hand is on my shoulder, and as I slowly open my eyes I see Cadmus standing above me, concern playing on his face. "Are you okay?" He kneels next to me.

I nod, how can I tell him that I so desperately needed to feel an ounce of his presence, that I had fallen asleep against a wall just so that there was less space between us. "I'm alright, I was admiring-" I pause looking above me for an excuse, I find it tacked up against the wall- dozens of water-colored paintings and sketches- "I was admiring all the art." I smile as he helps me to my feet, careful to avoid putting too much weight on my leg.

"Nothing but evidence that I only waste my time." He shakes his head, but I can tell that he's eyeing each drawing as well.

"You made them?" I shouldn't be shocked, I've noticed that Cadmus has an eye for emotion, and that's what each of his paintings portrays. Pain, loss, heartbreak, judgment. The graphite sketches that hang between the muted colors are eyes, all focused on objects in the distance. They're scrunched in joy, some in confusion, but most in hurt. What has he been through to picture such things?

"They look upset," I say, wrapping my arm around his as he leads me away from the wall.

"I take inspiration from what's around me." Perhaps Dabarenth isn't the kingdom of light and wealth that I thought it would be. "The life of a royal is not an enviable one." I wish to disagree with him, but I cannot give my identity away so soon to my victory.

Cadmus has found me a dress to wear that covers my legs. I haven't gathered up the grit to put on shoes yet, wincing in pain at the thought of it. I had grown used to the pain in my leg as I walked, and I no longer needed Cadmus nearby to catch me if I stumbled. Adding shoes, however, would bring me back to square one with my walking ability. Besides, I enjoyed the way the cool stone floors felt against my toes. It reminded me of home.

I missed my father dearly, and my fingers were itching with the urge to train with my sword. I missed the way that the empty halls of my chamber would echo the sounds of my footsteps as I live in my own company.

"How are you feeling?" Cadmus' father startles me as he comes up behind me, placing a hand on my shoulder. I jump under his touch, the only person who has shown me physical affection is Cadmus himself.

"I'm alright, you're majesty." I half curtsy, trying to shake his hand from my shoulder, "And you?"

"Very well." His hand stays firm in place, "My son, he seems quite taken by you."

I blush softly, "And I, you're majesty, am quite taken by him." I curse the fact that this is not a lie.

The king grins, his teeth are uneven and yellowed, "Then tomorrow when my son proposes you will say yes?" His eyes have an unnatural shine to them, and his grip on my arm tightens.

"Of course sir, I am quite in love with him." I force a giggle. He's proposing? I have to do something, this has gone too far.

"Very well." He takes his hand from my shoulder and stalks away, leaving my mind to wander in peace.

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