Chapter 2

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It was the second day of school. For once I was actually excited because I wanted to see Anna. She sat by me in all my classes and she sat with me and the guys at lunch. All the girls were kind of rude to her because she was little but they stopped fucking with her when I got hold of her.

I put on a black t-shirt, some pants, and my grey and black flannel with my hat.

"You ready to go?" Deuce asked.

"Yes." I said.

"You really like that Anna girl huh?" He asked.

"No, I just think she's pretty." I said.

"Right." He said.

We drove to school and Anna was sitting at a bench, writing in a journal.

"Hey Anna." I said, sitting next to her.

"Hi Jorel. How are you this morning?" She asked.

"I'm great, you?" I asked.

"I'm doing fine. Some girls are mean though." She said.

"What did they say?" I asked.

"They said I don't belong here and that you're only hanging out with me because you feel bad." She said.

"Anna, I would never do that to someone. Yeah I'm well known here but I'm not like anyone here. I'm me and I hangout with anyone. I love being your friend." I said.

"That's so sweet." She said.

"Now come on, I can't have you late for your class." I said.

She smiled as she got her bag, I walked with her to class and the teacher gave me a look.

"Are you guys already dating?" The teacher asked.

Anna's face turned red.

"No, we're friends." I said.

"Very well then Jorel." She said.

I kinda blushed too which was embarrassing for the both of us.

After class Charlie stopped me.

"Dude, what do you think about making our band during school? I don't want to wait until after school." He said.

"I agree with that all the way. Let's do it." I said.

"Alright, come to my house after school. Anna can come too if she wants." He said.

I nodded as Anna was packing her backpack.

"Hey Anna, wanna go to my friend Charlie's with me after school?" I asked.

"Sure. What time?" She asked.

"Right after school." I said.

"Sure." She said.

"I'll give you a ride if you like." I said.

"No it's okay, I have my car. I can take you over there if you want." She said.

I nodded as we went to our class. The rest of the day was pretty good, Anna let me hold her hand in the hallways because she was afraid people were gonna say something to her.

After school I went over to Deuce, who was laughing with his other friends.

"Anna's gonna take me to Charlie's, text me the address." I said.

"Alright." Deuce said.

I got the address and sent it to Anna. We went to Charlie's house and it was still big and clean.

"So, what should the band name even be?" Johnny asked.

"Well, I don't know. I was thinking something maybe like Hollywood Undead." Deuce said.

"That's a good idea let's do that." Kurlzz said.

"What do you think Jorel?" Charlie asked.

"Let's do it." I said.

"Alright. Deuce and I will be the main singers. Jorel will be the bassist. Johnny will be a singer too. Dylan will be the guitarist, and Kurlzz will be the drums." Charlie said.

"Sounds good." Dylan said.

"Alright. Tomorrow we'll think up some lyrics so that can maybe get us started." Deuce said.

I nodded as Anna and I left.

"I think Hollywood Undead is a good name." Anna said.

"Me too. It's pretty sick." I said.

Dead BiteTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon