Chapter 13

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~Anna's POV~

Today was the big day of going against someone for president. The girl who was running was some girl who was obsessed with Jorel so it was gonna be hard not to rip her hair out for talking shit.

"Good luck today hun. I'll be in the bleachers with the guys." Jorel said, hugging me from behind.

"I'm kind of nervous. This has always been something I've wanted." I said.

"You're gonna do great." He said.

"Thank you." I said.

I turned around and gave him a kiss. I got my speech notes ready and headed out to the stage to get prepared.

"Ready to lose today Annabelle?" The girl asked.

I ignored her. How dare she use my full name.

"Alright candidates. Please introduce yourselves." The teacher said.

"I'll go first. Hi, I'm Mia Alan." Mia said.

"Anna, your turn. Also, say your full name." She said.

I nodded.

"Hi, I'm Annabelle Martin." I said.

Jorel was smiling. I couldn't help but smile back.

"Alright first question for Mia. What do you think will make the school better for the students?" She asked.

"Well. I think that a person like me would make the school better by removing homework and textbooks. Who needs those anyways?" Mia said.

"Okay, Annabelle. What do you think will make the school better for the students?" The teacher asked.

"Well Mrs. Kelley. I think that the school should be paying attention more to the rules. There are kids who are taking drugs to this school and it's not okay in my opinion. We also need better textbooks. We need them because it increases our knowledge." I said.

"Very well. Mia, how do you feel about the cafeteria food we have now?" Mrs. Kelley asked.

"Absolutely disgusting." Mia said.

"Okay, Annabelle?" She asked.

"I think it has it's good days and bad days." I said.

"Okay, last question. Why do you think you should be president?" She asked.

"I'll go first. I should be president because everyone at this school will be so much happier because of me." Mia said.

"Girl please." I said.

"Well Annabelle. Why should YOU be president?" She asked.

"Great question Mia. I think I should be president because I will provide better education for the kids that go here and I will provide a much better school." I said.

"Alright that is the end of this debate. Remember everyone to vote." Mrs. Kelley said.

Everyone in the auditorium signed the little papers and put them in. I got nervous.

"You can never beat me Anna." Mia said.

"We'll see about that." I said.

I walked over to Jorel.

"Hi." I said.

"You did amazing." Jorel said.

"You really think so?" I asked.

"Of course. You're so smart and talented and just amazing." He said.

I smiled, giving him a hug. I looked over and Mia was giving me the death stare. Bitch.

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