Chapt.1 new school

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You were starting Highscool away from Taehun. It's been awhile since you have ever been in a diffrent school from him. You've went from elementary all the way up to middle school with him. Do to your fathers wishes, you were "forced" to go to your brothers school. Yeonwoo school wasn't to bad. The uniform was cute but you were sad to be away from your childhood friend. " You will definitely fit in well, you seem pretty friendly." Yeonwoo said with a smile. "Yea I guess... but I'm still not happy..."
" I've worked pretty hard this summer on turning my looks from "ok" to at least average. I mean it must be easy for you... you have such a large following AND your pretty, smart, friendly,kind. Everything I'm not."
Yeonwoo showed a slight frown " I'm sure nobody even remembers what happened the other year! Soon enough people will get to know you and learn how much of a great person you are!"
Seeing not much change in your face your brother began to make an offer, " This weekend, noraebang, grilled pork, albums"
"Add tteokbokki  AND jjajang to the list and it's a deal"
With a slight smile with loss in his eyes  Yeonwoo agreed as you slowly enter the gateways of the school.
As you enters the classroom you noticed a very pretty girl. She had brown hair and kind eyes. You wished to approach her but stopped your self and decided to just follow your brother,
" Yeonwoo were do I go?" You looked lost.
Yeonwoo stated to just follow him to his classroom. I'm so lucky to be a twin! You thought as you mindlessley followed him to his classroom. You sat down in the seat next to him since you didn't know anybody there.
The girl you saw earlier approaches you, "You must be Yeonwoos twin sister! You guys looks so similar! :)" flusters a bright red showerd your face "T-thanks your really pretty, I-I don't talk to pretty girls that often other than the nurse" realizing what you said you hid your face in your back pack "Erm ignore what I just said" you said muffled. Yeonwoo began to giggle swell as the pretty lady. "Oh I forgot to say my name is Bomi, Bomi Choi, and yours?"
"Oh it's e-rm, Y/N L/N, I hope we can become friends seeing I don't have any at this school." Gosh I sound like a loser you scilently thought. How could you be so embarrassing!
Soon it became lunch, walking around you didn't want to sit next to your twin, how dare he giggle at me! >:( I will throw pillows at his face when we get home, eat fried skewers in front of him, and play loud music in front of him!
You sat next to Bomi, surprisingly she welcomed you with open arms, you were happy because of this and brought her some snacks from the nearby conveince store to share during break.
After school you went over to Taehuns house with a lot of snacks as a sort of peace offer after beating him at tekken the other day. "Where is the nerd?" Taehun asked nonchalantly "He's studying right now why?" "Eh I just don't see him as often, sit over here with me let's watch a movie." He glared at a spot on the couch, gladly you sat down thinking about a movie to watch, Taehun began to browse Netflix while you decided to start preparing movie snacks. "So how is your nerd school going?" "It's not a nerd school idiot." Although you thought of the school as a nerd school you scolded him, " There are some reallly cool people there! I hope you know that! There's a really pretty girl there she looks like a model, and I admire her!" Wow although you said it in a normal tone you sounded like a real loser "I don't get why you changed  so much over the summer, you're pretty either way, whatever just sit down and let's watch the movie" You blushed and began to reply with a tray full of snacks "It's not easy having a brother who is handsome,pretty, and smart, people have expectations for me you know? Having a curly perm, glasses, AND freckles aren't going to do it for ya, plus I think things are looking up for me now." Taehun scoffs and begins to play the movie 35 minutes in he thinks it would be a good idea to try to steal your food "What the hell are you doing! I thought we were close!"  You give him a deathly stare. "I'm just hungry! Close my-ass if we were close then you would feed me and give me all of your snacks!" He evilly smirked! He began to wait with  his mouth opened like a moron. You pushed his gaw back up " In your dreams brat!" Taehun got angry and forced you to go with him to get more snacks. Which led to him making you go on a trip to the arcade, the park, his dojang, then dropping you off at your house."We never got to finish the movie!"
"It's fine, the movie was just an excuse." Before being able to ask anymore question he walked away waving his hands "Bye."
While walking into the house you are met with scolding from your father for coming home so late. Personally you don't care to much you already had straight A's you didn't know why it would be so important to study. All you had to do was put away 3 hours of study 4 times a week or just every other day. At your last school you were the top scorer on exams, you just didn't know what would finally please your father. "You need to stop hanging out with that guy, he is ruining your studies!" "It's MY life and I already study enough! You will never be happy with me, just admit it! You wanted two boy twins but instead you got a girl! Deal with it!" With that you went storming out of the house. You decided to hang out white Taehun instead, luckily he wasn't too far away. "Hey, wait up!" You grabbed into his arm and began to walk. " I thought you were going home? Why are you here?" He replied looking easy flustered. "Nothing really, my dads being a brat, let me stay at your place. Pleaseee!" "You KNOW my Dad isn't going to be happy about this."
"Yea yea what ever I just can't stand him, he scolded me for not studying as often as Yeonwoo. I wish I was a boy so I could make him happy, so that he can love me the same and support my wishes." You replied looking at the ground not wanting to make eye contact. You soon came to a halt to a playground. "Look there are swing sets! Let's go sit together!" You give him a sadden smile and ran to the swings. You began to lightly rock back and forth. "You know if it means anything, I think your precious, your really smart already and you don't need to please anyone other than yourself." He really got you there. "I-I thankyou" with a tear streaming down your face, you quickly wiped it and tried to change the subject. "Look at the stars, don't you rember when we would go on trips during the summer and look at the constellations!" "Yea you were a bigger nerd than your brother then."HEY!"

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