Chapter 1: Moving In

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Just to let you know, I am not the best writer and I know this. I do except suggestions for chapters or ways to make my story better, but please keep your rude comments to yourself. Please respect these wishes. -Author (Also I do put my oc in here not with my real name though, the name I want. Try to guess who it is!)

Hunter (Golden Guard) POV

"Hunter!" Kikimora shouted from the other side of the door. "Get clothes, nice clothes, on Emperor Belos would like to speak with you."

I groaned. I did not want to get up, my bed was so comfortable. But I knew what would happen if I didn't. I got dressed in my normal 'Golden Guard' outfit, put on the mask and walked to the 'throne room' as I liked to call it.

"You needed me, Emperor Belos?" I said with a mature voice.

"Hunter..." He said, there was no one but us in the room so it was free to throw out my name. "I built you your own house, up by Hexside High School." I waited for him to say why.

"So you will live there and go to school. Got it?" He finished.

"But, Emperor Belos won't you need me hear, especially with the Day of Unity coming up."

"No, Hunter. need you to know how to use magic, especially with the Day of Unity coming up. There is no negotiation, that is my final decision. Get it?" He said with a glare in his eyes that said 'this-is final'.

"Of course, Emperor Belos. I'll get packing right away." I said, then walked out of the room. I brought out my storage boxes, incase I need to relocate, and packed everything up.

I was ready to go, I used my staff to gather all of my boxes then hopped on and flew off.

I went to the address Kikimora had given me right before I left, It was a nice 2 person house with a backyard. Why a two person?I'm living alone. But, Emperor Belos goes out of his way to do things so I'm not surprised.

I took a little tour through the house, planning where everything would go, writing notes throughout. Belos' guards were doing my house, I just have to leave my boxes at the house.

The layout didn't really matter, it wasn't like I would spend a lot of time here. Just sleep and eat sometimes, I did have to balance school and being the great Golden Guard.

But Belos gave me the day off so I guess I'll explore the area. I thought. I walked around, I never really got to stop and relax, or go anywhere without my mask, so no one knew my face, so no one recognized me.

I walked around till I found the library, I liked reading in my spare time so I thought I'd find a new book here. I went in and started walking around, I paused in front of the kid's section. I heard a familiar voice. I looked inside and saw the youngest blight reading to children, she seemed all scowl and rebel but I guess all blights have a soft side.

I kept walking around till I got to the Sci-Fi section, I wasn't into it but I thought I could get at least 1 sci-fi book today. After picking one out, I headed over to the fantasy section. When i rounded the corner I jumped, a little kid startled me, and by the looks of it the same in reverse.

"Sorry, kid, Didn't see you there." I said, then noticed they looked a little frustrated then disappointed. "What is it? Did I say something?" I asked.

They looked up, "Hey, I know i'm short but I'm 15, please don't call me a kid no mater how euphoric it can make me feel." They said.

"Um, okay, sorry..."

"Juniper. Juniper Bee."


"Um, wait, who are you?"

"Oh, my name is Hunter. I use he/they pronouns. Now, pronouns?"

The kid- 15 year old- hesitated. "They/them. I've never seen you around and I've seen almost everyone here, though I would never talk to them, and I have terrible memory, so maybe I have seen you I just don't remember? Hm..."

"You've probably never seen me, I work high-up and have never been here before,"

They squinted, "That makes sense,"

Now that I saw their eyes, I realized how tired this witch looked. They had messy, unkept hair, and a poor dye job in the front where the bangs were supposed to cover the eyes. The bangs had been swept aside revealing dark olive green eyes that looked gray at first, and you could see clear bags underneath them, terribly covered up by makeup. She had a bandaid on her cheek too.

"What happened there?" I asked pointing at the bandaid.

"Ah yes, the perk of having a younger brother that is practicing magic. He blew up the vase yesterday so I had to clean it up." They told me. I hummed in response. I had never had the thrill of a sibling so I couldn't relate.

"Anyway, do you need help with anything?" They asked.

"Any suggestions for someone who just finished the ———— series?"

"Yup. I can check you out too."

"Great, I'll be back here in about a week, so I'll see you then if your working."

"I only work the days I have no school."

"Where do you go?"

"Hexside, what about you? You look about the age."

"I start my first day on Monday."

"Two days huh? A little advice: steer clear of Boscha and the grudgby team."


"They are mean as heck to everyone, and the Blight twins like to prank everyone. So be careful."

"Got it, thanks for hacking me out, and setting up the library card."

"No problem," They said, after we said our goodbyes I left to go to the market, I needed some food. But first I stopped at home to put away some books, and just in case I looked in the cabinets. Full of food. Looks like I don't have to go today.

I cooked the ramen and went to the couch, my house was now fully furnished. I turned on Big City Greens and turned on S1E1, restart time. When I was done I watched a couple more episodes and went to bed, I had one more day till Monday. Let's try to sleep through it, unless the empower needs me. I checked my scroll, no new messages.

I should have exchanged numbers with Juniper earlier, though they wouldn't be awake at 11:30 pm. I put down my phone, and I let dreamland take my spirit from my body and show me something, or nothing.

A/N: Yay! Chapter 1 is done. This took me like a week and a half to Wright, and I only Wright at night. It is currently 11:51 and I have school tomorrow so it's time to (if my body allows me too) sleep.

Word Count: 1180 words! Longest chapter yet!

Goldric || High School AUحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن