2 days of AAAAHHHH

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Saturday Morning

Dreamland chose nothing- which is good because my dreams suck.

Belos gave me 2 days off to adjust according to the note I found on my kitchen counter, most likely left by the people who unpacked my bags. Another thing they left was a speaker I could play music from- so I started playing "dead girl in the pool" by girl in red. I love girl in red, one of my favorite artist- along with Surf Curse.

I made breakfast, not bothering to get out of my pajamas. Just one of those days. I made myself just some waffles with honey and chocolate chips (really good- try it) and sat down on the couch. I turned on the crystal ball and restarted the cartoon "Big City Greens" on Disney+ great show, 10/10.

After I finished my breakfast I turned off the crystal ball and cleaned up, I'm not a pig y'know. I got dressed in black shorts, a white Lemon Demon hoodie, and a black beanie.

I headed out to the library, hopeful to see my new friend ( if they considered me a friend that is). And I saw them unlock the Library doors, it was early so that made sense.

"Hey, Juniper!" I called up, they turned around and waved. I walked up the steps and went over to them. They where wearing a black and white flannel with a lavender sweater on top, along with black jeans and lavender combat boots.

"Your up early, I thought you said you'd be in next week?" Juniper said, in a very astute observation tone.

"Yeah, I realize." I said, rubbing the back of my head. " I was wondering if your boss was excepting any volunteers or new hires?"

"I believe we are actually, you just gotta asked him he'll be in around lunch today, you can ask then."

"Nice, thanks."

"No prob, bob." They said entering the library. "Come on in."

That morning I spent wandering around learning where everything in the library was, and trying to find out if there where any secret passages. At lunch Juniper's boss came in, I stood near the bookshelf by the counter until they beckoned me forward, Juniper and they're boss had been chatting for a minute- possibly introducing me.

"Hello," Juniper's boss said. "Here your looking for a library to volunteer at. What days do you think you could work?"

"Uh, Saturday and Sunday, plus afternoons on Monday-Friday."

"Good, How old are you?"


"Do you know every section in the library?"


"You know the rules?"


"Then welcome to the job, you start now, Juniper can get you set up."

"Wow, uh, alright then." I said, after that the boss went off toward the kids corner where Amity was working. I looked in that direction and saw two kids my age that had emerald green hair.

"Those are the Blight twins, the pranksters I told you about. They're Amity's older siblings, probably dropping off her lunch." Juniper told me. Sure enough, they held up a bagged lunch that Amity snatched out of the girl's(?) hands.

When the twins turned around I saw (not very well) they're faces. They really did look like twins, the boy was cuter though. Wait what? What did you say Brain? I asked my thoughts. Nothing... They replied.

The rest of the day Juniper showed me the daily routine for the library; afterwards I went home, put on pajamas, and went to bed.

Monday Morning 6:00 am

The morning before I had set an alarm clock so I got up on time for school, I now had 2 hours to get ready. The alarm clock was a bad idea.

I took a 10 minute shower, then got dressed, made breakfast, ate breakfast, brushed my teeth, got all my stuff I needed for school, put on my shoes, and walked out the door.

After work yesterday I had gone out and mapped a direct path from home to school, I lived relatively close so it was a short walk.

When I got to the building I went to the main office to get my schedule, locker, and locker combination. I got locker #2116, I found it and put in my combination, and in some strange miracle it opened on my first try.

I put my stuff in and got out the stuff for my first class, beast-keeping. I hade chosen all kinds of magic so I had a very messy schedule.

My first class is in room 109, so I went downstairs to find it. 109... 109... 109... there it is! I thought as I found the class. I walked in and set my stuff down in an empty chair. Half the class was already there, half filing into the class.

We sat with a partner in this class, I ended up next to someone named Viney, who seemed to be in the Beast-keeping and Healing track. She had little spikes in her(?) hair and a fishnet earring which was nice, she(?) seemed pretty cool.

"Hi, my names Hunter." I told her(?) holding out my hand, she(?) took it and said:

"It's nice to meet you, my names Viney." I smiled, she smiled back. Someone friendly, yay.

The teacher started talking, we were feeding snakes today, without getting bitten.

In my next period I had potions, I saw a girl with her hair up name 'Boscha' who was being pretty mean, but she didn't pay me much mind.

My next class was Plants 101, I met a girl named Willow you seemed nice. 4th period was Illusions, I had a class with the Blight twins. Again they didn't pay me much mind. Then lunch happened.

Miraculously I found Juniper, so I sat with them at lunch. Viney sat at that table too, I waved to say hello.

"You already know each other?" Juniper asked.

"Yeah, we met in Beast-keeping, we sit together." I said.

"Well that saved me from having to introduce you guys, thanks." June said, June is just my shortened name for Juniper, since it's quite a long name.

The rest of lunch we just talked, until the blight twins came up to us.

"Hi!" They said to me in unison, "Your the new kid right?"

"Uh, yeah..." I replied.

"Cool!" The female said, "I'm Emira or Em for short, that's Edric or Ed for short."

"I'm Hunter." The lunch belled rang, I never understood the phrase 'saved by the bell' until then.

"We'll see you later. Ba-bye." Ed said walking away, winking at me. I sat there she'll-shocked for a few seconds before everything registered to my and my face grew red.

The rest of the day was boring, I had Healing (also with Viney) then ended the day with Abominations.

When I got home I did my homework, ate dinner, then had a dream.

A/N: Yay, got to 1180 words! Hope you enjoyed this chapter, also thank you to the comments on the first chapter I enjoyed reading them. But it's 1 am and I want sleep (sort of) and I have school tomorrow and school play crew interviews To do so I need sleep. Thank you again- sorry this chapter took so long to come out but I'm already over 100 views. Thank you next chapter soon <3

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