Want to come over?

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Hot summer air drifted across the sand as Obito, Kakashi, and Rin sat down on a warm bench watching the other
children play on the playground. They were talking about what their gonna do after school when Rin remembered something.

"Oh that's right! Sorry Obito we're not gonna be able to hang out tomorrow because I have to help my sister move!" Rin

"Wait you're sisters moving out!?" Obito asked

"Yes, she decided a month ago and has been packing a lot. She's moving in with her friend across the village
and I need to help her that day... maybe today if necessary..."

"It's alright! You can help you're sister and I'll hang out with Kakashi for the meantime!"

"What?" Kakashi asked as he felt Obito grab his arm in excitement

"Yeah we can get to know each other! That would be fun huh! We could even go to my house" Obito said

"Well... I guess" Kakashi said smiling at the ground

"Come on are you happy at the ground or me!" Obito said pouting

"O-oh yeah! Sorry" Kakashi looked at Obito and smiled instead

"That's better!" Obito said crossing his arms

"Alright well after recess it's one more hour than we can go home!" Rin said happily

"Yep! How about we wait by the door for class since it's close" Obito suggested

"That sounds like a g-good idea" Kakashi said happily

They walked to the academy entrance and heard the teacher calling for the students

"Alright! Time for class!"

"See!" Rin said knowingly "come on!" Rin grabbed both their hands and raced into the classroom. They sat down
at their seats and chatted until the teacher came in and announced some assignments. Other than a few papers and
a couple of reading essays the teacher was ready to let them go home in about 10 minutes.

"For the remainder of class we will have free time. Enjoy!"

Rin came closer to the two boys "so Kakashi you're going to Obitos house? Am I right?"

"Well I'm gonna ask my dad than hopefully yes..." Kakashi said

"Im sure he'll say yes!" Obito said excited

"Hey Obito..." Kakashi said

"Yea?" Obito said curiously

"Hey Rin can I talk to him alone?"

"Uh sure Kakashi!" Rin got up and walked over to some students

"So what did you need?" Obito asked

Kakashi moved closer to Obito to whisper "Obito, you're my f-first friend and I am really thankful for
you helping me get through all this. Same to Rin but it's different I don't know why but it is" Kakashi
said nicely

"Wait...I'm you're first friend?" Obito asked surprised

Kakashi shrugged "yeah... no one ever likes me because they think I'm weird o-or something else
but thank you..."

"You're welcome Kakashi! I'm glad I found you!" Obito placed his hand on Kakashis shoulder and they
heard the bell signaling them to go home.

"We'll come on! Let's go ask you're dad!" Obito slid his arm down Kakashis and grabbed his hand to
start running out "bye Rin!" Obito said as he waved her goodbye.

"Bye Obito and Kakashi!" Rin said back

They ran outside and looked around the people trying to find Kakashis father. Than a man with silver hair
walked up to the two boys. He bent down and asked "hey Kakashi! Is this a friend of yours?"

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