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Kakashi walked closer to Rin grabbing her hands

"I unfortunately don't like you back... but I w-want to be you're friend..." Kakashi said sadly

Rin wore a defeated expression but still put on a smile "yes Kakashi! I understand... really we can be friends
I just wanted to tell you... what was that you wanted to tell me?"

"I'm... im gay..."

*obito pov*

"Ughhhhh when's he coming backkkk" Obito rolled off his bed onto the floor feeling tired and sad. Then he heard
the door knock and sprang to his feet. He opened the door to see Kakashi and Rin standing there with wide smiles.

"What happened?" Obito asked curiously

"Can we come inside!" Rin said happily

"Uh sure?" Obito let them inside and closed the door "so what's up?"

"Well I told Kakashi that I like him and..." Rin hesitated

When Obito heard these words his heart shattered "their smiling... their happy... did he.... Does he like her..." obito
felt like crying but let Rin speak.

"He rejected me but he revealed a big secret to me that I want you to hear Obito" Rin said

Obito sighed in his thoughts, he felt so relieved "okay what's that?" Obito looked at Kakashi

"I'm g-gay... surprise...." Kakashi said with a sad smile.

"Y-you' are... you're" words couldn't come out of Obito. He felt so happy and he felt surprised at
the same time, he ran to Kakashi tightly hugging him. "You're gay!" Obito asked

"Y-yeah? Why are you so happy?" Kakashi said giggling

"I'm just surprised sorry" Obito said letting go

"I'll be going now... sorry about that Kakashi I understand anyway"

"It's no problem Rin I won't be too weird about it" Kakashi said laughing as they waved goodbye.

"Wait if he's not weird about Rin... will he be weird about me... I'll tell him in a week... that's for sure.."

"Arms" Kakashi said sarcastically

"Oh! Sorry!" Obito let go of Kakashi "I keep doing that"

Kakashi laughed as he grabbed Obitos face "it's okay Obito you're u-used to it"

Obito felt Kakashi's hand on his face and couldn't help but blush.

Obito and Kakashi talked for hours enjoying eachothers presence. They talked about their missions and training
but also talked about other stuff like Rin and joked about each other.

It was late and Kakashi walked to the door but was stopped by Obito.

"Wait! Where do you think you're going!" Obito stood in front of Kakashi in between him and the door.

"Home? Why?" Kakashi said unimpressed

"You're not leaving until I get my present" Obito said pouting

Kakashi laughed and grabbed his face, he kissed him on the head "bye Obito.. see y-you tomorrow" he said with a smile.

Usually Kakashi would hug Obito goodbye or something so, he made it a thing to do when he leaves but Obito didn't
expect him to kiss him on the forehead.

Obito watched as Kakashi ran home waving at him. Obito could still feel his warm hands on Obitos face, Obito blushed
and closed the door happily. "Alright... I'm gonna tell him tomorrow... I just can't wait"

*next morning*

Obito woke up and crawled out of bed. He changed into his ninja clothes and walked out the door skipping his breakfast.
Obito ran across the pathway to Kakashis house, he couldn't wait to confess and since they had that day off it was perfect
for him.

He stopped at Kakashi's door and knocked. After a while Kakashi opened the door in his ninja clothes as well.

"Obito what are you doing here? It's l-like seven"

"Well you know that thing I was nervous to tell you about?"

"Uh yeah... did you ever g-get to telling me..." Kakashi rubbed his eye probably tired.

"I didn't that's why I planned to tell you today... can I come in for a minute..." Obito said shakily.

"Uh yeah sure.." Kakashi let him in and closed the door "want t-to go to my r-room?" Kakashi asked

"Yeah I think that would be best..." Obito said looking down. Kakashi wore a worried face and walked Obito
to his room. They sat down and talked for a while until Obito was ready. While Kakashi and Obito talked
Kakashi took off his mask to talk to him making Obito feel like this would be a good time.

"Alright... Kakashi.." Obito took a deep breath and stood up

"Yeah..?" Kakashi stood up with him.

"I'm ready.. but.." Obito grabbed his shoulders "can you promise me you won't make fun of me for anything..."

"Obito.... If I e-ever make fun of you it's as a joke... I would never hurt you on purpose" Kakashi had a
nice smile.

Obitos took a deep breath and couldn't speak. "Oh forget it..".

Obito kissed Kakashi cupping his hands on his face, Obito's cheeks heated and he felt relieved. Kakashi's
arms started to move and Obito expected Kakashi to push him off but instead he placed his hand on
Obitos cheek and kissed back.

Obito pulled apart and looked at Kakashi who was smiling. "Obito I like you... and I assume you f-feel the same...?"
Kakashi asked with a smile.

"Yeah... I really like you Kakashi..." Obito moved his hands to hold Kakashis waist "I've liked you ever since we were five..."

Kakashi laughed as he hugged Obito wrapping his arms around his neck.
"It took you seven y-years to confess!" Kakashi laughed and giggled hard.

"I was just worried okay..." Obito smiled and pulled apart from Kakashi.

"Well I like you too so you can s-stop worrying!" Kakashi kissed him again and this time Obito felt more
confident in Kissing him.

Obito pulled apart to say "you're stutter is so cute..." this time Kakashi actually felt like he meant it other
than the times he said it normally. This time he said it after just kissing him.

"You're cute too Obito" Kakashi felt his face.

Obito picked up Kakashi making him wear a questioning face. Obito sat him down on the bed and crawled next to him.
Then he set Kakashi on his lap and moved his head on Obitos chest. "Really?" Kakashi asked sarcastically

"Yes..." Obito said smiling

Kakashi felt his face and felt Obitos nice hair. He leaned back and cuddled into Obito. "Love you..." Kakashi
said as he grabbed Obitos hand

"Love you too frosty~" Obito said lovingly

Kakashi's hit him playfully "shut it baby" Kakashi said lovingly making Obito blush warmly.

"Okay sunshine~" Obito answered softly.

Okay sunshine.. ( Obikaka )Where stories live. Discover now