Chapter 12

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Elsa's P.O.V

-Chapter 12, Untold Secrets-

I don't know what I just did, but something inside me tells me it was the right thing. Or was it?

Smiling over at Jack, he seems not as happy as he was before. The only thing I can ask myself is what did I do to him. I fear I ruined his happiness, but I never wanted to. Everything happens to fast. Like lightning.

"Jack, would you want to see Anna? She truly does miss you.." I whisper in his ear. He nods and starts to walk to my house. I am still surprised he knows where I live, but on the other hand it makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside.

I open the door and yell to Anna that I'm home while surprisingly she is not home, but there is a sweet smell of cookies from the kitchen. I don't think Anna knew how to bake. I guess she gets it from mom. "Stay here." I tell Jack while I go to the kitchen to see what Anna made.

But instead of being welcomed by strawberry blonde hair, I was welcomed by a mop full of blonde hair and bright green eyes.

"Rapunzel what are you doing here!" I ask her while almost pushing her upstairs. She just giggles and licks her spoon.

"That is no way to greet your cousin. Anyway since you asked, I am making chocolate chip cookies." She tells me while dipping her finger in the batter and sticking it my mouth. I taste the chocolate and the dough in one mouth full, and it tastes like heaven.

"I can greet you like that if there is a certain Jack here." I whisper in her ear. Her eyes widen and she runs upstairs. Making slight bangs with her feet. Trying to look normal, I walk back to welcome Jack.

"Anna wasn't feeling so good. She had to lay down." I tell him while going to the kitchen and putting the cookies in the oven.

"So, how is Emma?" I ask him while trying to keep him downstairs.

"Great. Well, I think. I haven't seen her yet." He tells me while rubbing his nape. And nervously looking around.

"Can't you just call her?" I ask him and while slightly getting into the conversation.

"Well. My girlfriend didn't let me." He says biting his lip. while rubbing his nape nervously.

"Wait. Your what now?" I ask startled by the sudden news of this new 'girlfriend'. He only gave me a chuckle and then stopped looking at me."You have a girlfriend!?" I ask while my cheeks heated up a bit.

"Yea but she is really amazing, but I-" He starts with a sudden rush of red on his cheeks, but I start to talk cutting him off midsentence.

"Can I meet her?" I ask very excited, but to be honest I am devastated. I want to rip her apart and eat her for dinner, but I guess I have to be a bit encouraging. "Is she good enough for you? Or is she just a stick in a bunch of weeds." I ask while slightly poking at my uncommon platinum blonde hair slightly feeling embarrassed.

"She is perfect. She has long black hair with fake blue and green feathers, and the most wonderful eyes I have ever seen. She talks about all her childhood memories. She seems to know them by heart. Once she said that she did ballet when she was little and when she twirled it seemed like she was flying on her toes." He explains by looking off into the distance and imagining the events like they were yesterday.

With every detail he says I seem to feel even more confident about myself. I float away into the fog to be forgotten and over-taken by my nightmares of people not seeing me, as if I was just a fairytale that never came true. I am only barely listening to what Jack has to say. Only one thing to me sticks out. 'Her name is Tori, but I call her Tooth because she paints teeth a lot.'

I recognize the name. From somewhere, but I don't know where. Tori. Tori. Tori. I repeat to myself hoping something will spark, and something does.

Tori McCales. A very smart and kind girl from my job last week. She came in and ordered, I remember it like yesterday. She got a chocolate cream latte with a salad. She had a cheeky smile when I served her. To cheeky for my taste, but I don't say anything to Jack because it will just make the conversation awkward.

I also don't speak about William leaving nor about Rapunzel being my cousin. I keep quiet and smile at him as he still rambles on about how amazing his girlfriend is back at New York.

In my heart I hold dark secrets, and for now.

They should stay as my own Untold Secrets..


Ladies. I hope you are enjoying this story. I plan on making at new story too. But for now I only have this one story for you guys to read, and I really like this one so I hope you guys do too. Also what do you think about the new character, Tooth as Jack's girlfriend. What should I do next? And in who's P.O.V? Anyway... Love you guys! AND Check out my new bio.

Lots of Love.. This is me signing off.

~Lexi Signing Off~

Signing My Crush Away      -Jelsa-Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat