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Luz is always a little messy, but she's trying to keep her mess from getting to you. She washes the dishes, but sometimes forgets to do it. So you help her do it. She gives you her books on Azura as a thank you. Luz is forgetful, so you remind her when you're cleaning together and she's happy to help you. Luz is not very good in the kitchen so it is better to send her for food. Normal sleep schedule. Although it is difficult for her to wake up, so she asks you to wake her up, because sometimes even the alarm doesn't help. Likes to arrange a fight with pillows.

Amity's a perfectionist, so she'll set up a schedule for you two: cleaning, rent, grocery shopping. She definitely gets up early and does her thing. Sometimes she buys you something. Some little thing like lollipop or milkshake. Just wants to make you feel good. She's never noisy in her room, and she's pretty calm.

The most chaotic woman. She is never boring at all. She can be noisy and you have to ask her to be quiet. It's hard for her to wake up too. But if she wakes up before you, she'll make you coffee or tea. When it is Eda's turn to clean up, she suddenly has something to do and she urgently needs to run. Rather, fly away on her broom. She's not a bad cook. And as compensation, she'll cook you something nice and write you a note and an apology. When you're up late, Eda asks you to play cards with her.

He doesn't know how to cook, but he wants to be useful. King does a lot of cleaning. Even for you two. He's short, he's out and you make him a nice dinner or buy him a cupcake. Sometimes he can't sleep and watches TV. You keep him company and when he falls asleep you take him to his room.

One of the most normal roommates. She gets up early to exercise and go out for a morning run. Before she leaves, she will make you breakfast. Willow eats well and correctly and recommends you eat the same. But if you don't want, she won't insist. Keeps your rooms clean. Willow always knocks before she comes into your room because she respects your privacy. She will invite you to put flowers in a room that absorbs dust well. Always wish you good morning and good night.

He can stay up late and make a little noise. You ask him to be quiet and he feels a little guilty for bothering you. He can wash dishes for you. Gus is a kind guy who always offers to help you with anything. He smiles and asks how your day was. He always cheers you up. But if you want to be alone, he'll be very quiet and won't bother you.

Quite chaotic sleep schedule. She may stay up late, but she will wake up very early. And that's why she sometimes sleeps during the day. She's inviting her friends over, and dragging you into her company, too. When you get very tired and go to bed early, Boscha tries to be as quiet as possible. Because she knows when she sleeps during the day, you also make a minimum amount of noise. She doesn't really care about the cleanliness of the house. Sometimes you two get lazy and you just watch TV all day. And sometimes she gets bored sitting in her room, and that's why she goes into your room and talks to you about things.

At first, she was a little shy about showing you her true self. But then she realized how kind and understanding you are, and it made it so much easier for her to be herself around you. She's not very good at cleanliness either, but when you remind her, she doesn't hesitate to help you. Emira asks you to do her hair. And asking for skin care advice.

Just like Emira hesitated to show his imperfect side. But soon got used to you. Asks your opinion on what clothes he should wear. And he dresses more like you. He's trying to help you in the kitchen. Also asking you to help him with his lessons because thinks you're smarter. And as a thank you, he'll cook something for you or buy you ice cream.

She is hard-working and keeps the house clean. She is also an excellent cook. Will take care of you when you are sick. And all your duties are interchangeable. Viney will be very calm about how long you take a bath. She is also very grateful to you for making her a meal after a difficult day. She gets up before you. When she comes home, she asks if you've eaten. If you haven't eaten all day she can scold you for it because she cares about you.

Very calm roommate. Will suggest you to walk down the street in the evening. She ventilates the premises to have more fresh air. Before you go to bed, she offers you chamomile tea for a good night's sleep. Lilith has a good sleep schedule, which reminds you how important it is to go to bed early. If you're worried about something, you always come talk to her because she'll listen to you. When she's sad, you ask her to cook something together to distract her. And you will praise the good work for which she is grateful.

He's nervous about living with someone. He's not good at getting along with people. But he's lucky that you're so understanding and kind. Hunter is tidy and cleans up after himself and after you. Sometimes you don't know what to do at home. That's why you bought balloons. You inflated them and threw them at each other. And then you popped them. Hunter's a nervous guy, and before you go to bed, you tell him something nice and say good night. Sometimes he doesn't want to go out, he wants to stay home with you and build origami or watch movies. He likes the calm, family-friendly environment with you.

He takes care of himself and the house. Takes a long bath and does not notice it. He can cook, but doesn't like to do it very much. That's why he orders food and pays for the two of you. Or you guys just go to the cafe.You clean the rooms, and he washes the clothes and changes the pastel underwear. If you're too lazy to take a shower, he'll make you do it. Darius will throw you in the bath and ban you there and will not open until you take a shower. Allows you to use his perfume and cologne.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2022 ⏰

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