Janet Cordero

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I had to skip school due to my emotional vulnerability. I couldn't afford to break-down crying in between my classes. So I took the day off and decided to look around the town until it was 5.

I took a cab to Madison Square Park and sat on a bench, watching children run around as I graded my papers for a couple of hours until I felt hungry.

I exited the park, feeling peaceful and calm, and headed down one of the streets in search of a good restaurant. It took me a while to realize that I had unconsciously walked to Recce's neighborhood. The flat he lives in was just a couple buildings away. I presumed that he would've left for work at 8 am and wouldn't be home, but I was wrong. He was in his usual, but wrinkled suit, with his tie undone. I felt a sudden urge to turn around and leave, but before I could, he had spotted me. We both stood here among the bustling crowd, until I gained the strength to wave and smile at him. He mirrored my action and took a step towards me. Panic took control of my actions and made me walk away from him. I couldn't face him right now.

30th of SeptemberOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz