열일곱 [ 17 ]

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that day where the wind hit our last summer ,
that fragrance of yours ,
i still remember those pair of eyes ,
how i wish things are still the same ,
i thought this would be forever ,
our 17.

the sun still gave the same heat everyday ,
that day's song ,
where we locked eyes ,
and thought that moment would last forever ,
you flashed me the same spark i gave to you ,
that 17.

17 , seventeen
i didn't know you would be this beautiful ,
the season where i thought would have been passed by ,
a person where i met when i was 17 ,
made that season became unforgettable ,

how i wish this would stayed forever ,
our 17 ,
where we first decided to reach each other's heart ,
that 17 ,
where it will end soon.

17 years of summer ,
your fragrance is still in the wind ,
the sun's heat ,
it will last longer than i thought it would be ,
and ,
a person who made the number 17 becomes her golden year.

love thoughts Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt