시계 [ clock ]

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i looked at the clock,

12 a.m.
i'm not sleepy yet,
laying down , playing my phone.
as if i don't have school to attend tomorrow.

5 a.m.
waking up to the silence,
i looked around my bedroom.
it was so quiet.
' what's up with the silence .. '

6 a.m.
getting ready for school,
it just 6 in the morning,
but i feel like cursing on someone.
does everyone feel it to ?
i feel like i'm on fire.

7 a.m.
waiting to go inside the class,
and still mad over absolutely nothing.
they called this ' moody '.
the urge to curse on someone.
not until i saw him.

and the time stopped.

as if everything's around me stop moving.
they were statics.
did he felt the same?

i found this happened every morning when i saw him,
that's how magical it is.
how can the time stopped?
it was so clichè,
i know.

but ever since that,
i would not looked at the clock anymore.
can't the time just stopped?
i wish to stay in that silence.
in my silence,
where it just went quiet.

it just .. wonderful ..

i can also curse to myself.
for being too in love,
that the time stopped.
ridiculous , they said.
not until they experienced it.

that's it,
that's how it feels like to be in love.
even the time can't stop you.
like , nothing can stop you.
you just loving,
and will keep loving.
till the time stop you.

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