Chapter 2

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A couple days had passed, more testing and scans later to no avail on the secret behind Robins change. The black haired teen spent most of his time in his room or training, claiming it 'calmed' his mind. As the teen continued these actions his friends became worried of his physical and mental state.

The black haired teen was getting less patient with his comrades, their constant nagging, the noises, the tests, the worry, everything was getting on his nerves, even the wind. He told the teens that he didn't think it would be wise to allow him to wander about the tower during the day, the teens refused this but Robing was persistent to get what he wanted so, the teen only came out for tests and other necessary things.

*knock knock*

"Robin, friend Cyborg has another test for you."

"I'm coming." The teen sighed, stood, and went to the door.

". . . Hello Star. ."


"The hello to you too friend Robin!!" A cheesy smile plastered across her face the instant she heard the teen speak.

"Where is Cyborg?"

"In the room of living friend!"


"Great." Another headache "Thanks." The two 'walked' down the hall towards the commons area. The two entered the room to find a quarrel between a robot and a beast.

The teen shot a glare at the two creating a ruckus while his headache only increased. Before he realized the teen was in-between the two and kicked them both to the ground.


"Is now really the ti-"

The alarm sounded signaling the event of a crime, the titans stood as Robing looked into the alarm.

"It's a new criminal, goes by ace. Fighting methods haven't been seen yet, be ready for anythi-" Robin felt a stabbing pain in his head, urging him to get away from the noise.



"I'm fine. . .GO!" The titans turned to save the city, leaving Robin on the brink of collapse.

His head was throbbing as if it were punched in completely, the teen strudels his way back to his room in hopes of relieving the pain that was blurring his vision. Everything around him faded to black yet he was still standing, he turned his back to the wall and slid down into a sitting position.

When his vision returned the hall was dark and the pain disappeared.

"ROBIN!!" Almost.

"Y-" His mouth was dry and throat  parched, speech would be difficult in this state, how long had he been there? The teen pounded his fist against the wall not wincing at the pain until he heard foot steps.

"Robin? What are you going over here? Trying to get away from the tests?" Beast boy approached throwing a joke to the tired teen and turning the lights on during the process.  The green boy made his way to the taller teen to help him up. The teen struggled getting up, even with help from the shorter boy. He stayed silent.

"Well Cy says if you're up to it we can take the test now." The boy shrugged glanced to the end of the hall waiting for the other to respond. A nod was the only response he got before they turned and walked to the commons area.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2022 ⏰

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