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Thank you, ChloePrice5 for yet another lovely cover!

My treasure was coming along beautifully. There was still a lot of work to do before it was finished, but I didn't mind. Every time I pulled it out to put more together, I was floating in bliss.

This time, I found myself kneeling on the floor in Dr. Green's living room. The mild mess before me on the coffee table stuck out sorely in the otherwise immaculately clean and tidy condo. My belly was full of homemade cooking I prepared for my pair of baby sitters for the night. They praised my culinary skills and demanded they would clean up for me. I didn't argue since I had been meaning to work on my little project anyways and I did not know when I would come across another opportunity.

Mr. Blackbourne was sitting in an armchair nearby, intently reading a thick file and occasionally tapping away on his phone. I assumed it to be Academy business, so I made sure to keep as quiet as I could and not disturb him.

Dr. Green came in drying his hands with a dish towel and stopped a pace away. He peered over my shoulder, interested in what I was doing. "What's that, Pookie?"

I looked up at him and smiled before flipping the pages of the book in front of me to show him. "I'm putting together a picture album of our family," I answered simply.

In the beginning of the book were the pictures the boys put in my secret attic hideaway when I still lived in the grey house my blood father had bought. There were also photos we all had taken with our phones I had printed out, from football games at the high school we attended, to flirtatious selfies and other random moments of my crazy time spent with my favorite guys.

Sean bent over my shoulder to get a closer look. "Good god. Those are over a year old. Isn't that from about the time we first found you?"

I nodded. It seemed like ages ago now, and so much has changed. I have become such a better person from the scared little girl I was back then, and I was organizing the album chronologically to reflect the growth in us all. Sean kneeled close by and leaned into me, pressing his chin into my shoulder to gaze more and get lost in the memories with me as I flipped through more pages to reveal more images. "I'm up to these pictures." I took a stack of card stock prints and spread them across the coffee table surface. They were the images from the photo shoot I had with the seven guys commissioned for romance novel covers. The collage had a handful from each set we modeled in, the first being the picture that wound up put on the covers of the novels. The Academy guy who edited the pictures before they were produced to the public was kind enough to send us an un-altered copy of each picture for us, so these cover images reflected our true faces. The other pictures were of my favorite shots from the whole ordeal.

"Damn, Pookie. We need to get some pictures of you and me done," Sean said with a chuckle before placing a chaste kiss on my cheek. "Do we still have the number to that photographer?"

I raised my eyebrow at him. "Have you done that before? A professional photo shoot as a model? I clearly remember it was no picnic."

"Actually..." Sean leaned further into me as he fished out his phone from his pant pocket.

"Dr. Green," Mr. Blackbourne said with warning in his tone. Apparently he overheard the whole conversation, not like I had a problem with it.

"What?" Dr. Sean feigned innocence as he started tapping and swiping around his phone in the purple case, navigating around his photo albums.

"Sean, no." Mr. Blackbourne called again, only this time with a note of desperation in his voice.

"Yes, Owen. Yes, yes, and yes." Dr. Sean chanted with a maniacal glee before holding his phone in front of me to see.

I blinked, not quite realizing what I was looking at. When I did, I snatched his phone away and held it closer to my face, my nose nearly pressing up against the glass surface. "Is this...?"

"Yes," Dr. Sean answered, the crazed joy still there. "Look at the next one too."

The first picture was an advertisement for a brand of men's underwear I did not recognize, not that I made a habit of becoming familiar with them to begin with. I did recognize the person wearing the underwear, though. Sitting in a slightly provocative pose was Dr. Sean Green wearing nothing but a pair of white briefs and a radiant smile that stole my heart. I noted there was not one follicle of hair on his body.

I was afraid to swipe to the next picture, but my morbid curiosity won out. My thumb pushed the picture of a nearly-naked Dr. Sean away to reveal another picture of...

Owen Blackbourne. His steel eyes stared straight out of the little glass screen and bore straight into my own. His expression was all seriousness, and he wore nothing but the briefs and his black frames perched his nose.

I looked up at him in the chair nearby with my eyes wide and nearly popping out of my skull in disbelief. Mr. Blackbourne in the here and now made every effort to avoid eye contact with me by staring adamantly at a spot on wall across the living room. His ears were the same shade as his red suit tie.

Dr. Sean was rolling all over the floor, crippled by laughter at seeing his best friend's reaction.

I looked at the picture again. The advertisement said in a simple type, "Sleek and Comfort, All In One Brief."

A/N: Thank you for reading this crazy fan fiction! I sincerely hope it made you chuckle at least once.

It was an insane ride to finish this story. Toward the end, Kota was adamantly fighting against me, preventing me from writing his part like I wanted. He made it clear he did not want to appear in leather... or a collar... But we muscled through, didn't we Kota?

...Kota? Where'd you go?

Crap. I need to find a way to work my way back into his good graces. While I'm doing that, I need new humorous ideas for new stories. Send me some inspiration, please!

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