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I look through some old fotos of me and Jay. Back in the days of filming marble hornets with Brian and Alex. He's behind me and looks with me. Further and further into the pile until we hit a foto of the pastas. Both of us have already locked that memory out of our minds. We remember the day. 

Neither of us wants to remember it though. There were some very dark memories too. 

Like Jay's life being taken by Slenderman. No not in the killing way, in the way of him taking his soul, his life spirit. Or when Jeff stabbed me 12 times. I barely survived, because of that bitch. 

Jay and I have been dating for the past few months. It's been nice. Some fights, of course, but nothing to the breaking point. We both threw away our masks, and have medicine on mass, I need them anyway, but just in case our ex Boss comes back we have some backup.

I don't really get any Job due to my schizophrenia, noone wants to take me in. Jay works in the Hotel he used to stay in. We also live pretty close to the Thomas' family. Brian's got himself a very lovely life, after we got set free from Slendermans control. 

I put the foto underneath the others. Hidden. I didn't feel like throwing it away. It still holds a very important memory. 

To be honest, none of us felt good. For the past couple of days we both confirm to feel like being watched and Jay told me he'd seen a thing in the woods. I have sometimes hallucinations, but Jay doesnt, atleast not that I know of. I used to think that, but he proven me wrong. It's very creepy, but we havent seen Slenderman for a long time, and he told me it wasnt him he had seen the other day.

Do we have a stalker or something?

"Let's ignore the picture... Want to watch something?" I know that he says that to distract us both from it "Yeah sure, you can pick!"

[Time skip | After the movie]

Jay fell asleep on my shoulder. I was very tired as well, so I picked him softly up and carry him to our bedroom, where I place him in his bed. He's so adorable! I kiss his forehead and put the blanket over him, before lying next to him. 

I felt like being watched until I fell asleep too.

[Time skip | The next day]

Jay woke me up with moving away from me. He was starring at the window, my tired eyes follow his gaze, just to see a tall figure right behind the glass starring at us. The fast breath of Jay shows his fear, and so was I. There is someone stalking us, watching us sleep. Masky used to stalk Jay, and I hated him for it. But this... THING... was now standing there. It was to dark to see who or what it was, but I confirm that it wasn't Slenderman. 

It was something or someone else. 

All of a sudden a lightning appeared behind it and it disapeared. A storm raged outside, but there was sunlight called for today?

Well, you cant fully predict the weather either. Still, it was uncalled for. Who'd expect it to suddenly have a storm outside without anyone noticing a sign? It's very weird. That's when Jay's phone rang. "Mr Merrick?" Jay climbs out of the bed and leaves the room. I don't listen to the conversation, it sounded like his boss.

The thing outside the window was not good for me. I start to hallucinate again, shit. 

Luckily, my medicine is in the nightstand, so I grab a few pills and a glass of water. My mind rushes though, who or what was that outside, and what was it's intention? Just stalking seems a bit unrealistic, there's gotta be a reason, right?

I leave to the kitchen, I'm guessing Jay is in the bathroom, light comes from out of it. I'll make myself some cereal I decided for myself. I don't feel to good, so I make something easy. I sit down on the table and pour some cereal and milk into a bowl. That's when Jay also walks in and yawns "It was my Boss, he told me due to the sudden storm that the hotel had to close down for the week, so all of the employees are to stay home." I smile at that, It's nice to spend more time for a while. He see's my bowl of cornflakes and snickers slightly, and takes a bowl himself. 

He also puts some cacao into the milk, he likes his cereal sweeter then I do. 

But then he spits it out in my direction, something startled him, and I turn around to she it again, not far behind me in the window. Starring us down. I grab my chair and run towards the window, another lightning made it disapear, and I crash the chair into the window to late. Well, now we've got a broken window. I look at Jay, who shakes a bit, and we lock eyes. This is more dangerous then we thought.

I sigh and close the curtains, It's storming outside, and we have nothing to fix the window, so this has to do it, and it gets cold. Really cold. 

We both put our half finished breakfast and place it in the sink, before going back to the bedroom, and close the curtains there as well. We didnt want that thing watching us. 

We also locked the door to the kitchen, in case it decides to climb inside. Which we obviously don't want it to be doing. 

We left the door quietly and went to the bedroom. We just talked it off what happened.

Until we heard a crash. A loud one. And it came from the kitchen. We both look at each other and stand up, each of us grabs something to defend themselves, I got a small pocket knife and Jay has himself a rope. Slowly we make our way to the kitchen, Jay right behind me. 

I open the door as silent as possible and see it. No... it's a person... It's X! "X?! YOU stalked us the whole time?!" Jay now walked in as well, and stares at X in shock. X changed a lot from the last time we saw... it. It's what it used to be, not fully... Human. But still, somehow. "Masky. Skully. I'm on a mission to collect the spread pastas and proxys again. Come back to us." It holds out one of it's hands. Just like... Slenderman used to invite us. "What if we don't? You aren't Slenderman and he is now retired." I probably shouldn't push it's buttons, but I still do it. "Well, then I need to kill you." Jay now stands right next to me. 

We look at each other. Then, Jay walks infront of me and takes my hand. I sigh, I know where this is going and that we don't really have another choice.  He then takes It's hand and nods in silence. Together, we exit through the broken window into the forest. 

We are proxys. 

We don't serve Slenderman. 

We serve... X.

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