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Life's been good I guess. I miss the others, yeah, but I've been getting used to my new life. Some family adopted me and took care of me, It makes me sad that I cause them so much trouble. My new Brothers are named Robert and Charlson, but we always call him Carl. Since I didn't have an actual name my family called me Simon. It's similar to my past... Nickname I guess. They never question why I'm so different from them, I mean, my eyes are black with red pupils, and they drip blood from them. 

Its inhuman. But they never take me to the doctor. 

They always deal with me. 

Ofcourse, sometimes my Brothers tease me. Robert is 2-3 years younger then me, but Charlson is the same age as me. They always bug me but I'm used to it... From Jeff and Ben. 

I miss the others. I miss the feeling of a family, where everyone is weird, not only... me.
I miss the old times. But It's all gone, forever. 

No more proxys, no more pastas. Nothing. It's sadding. And now, I'm stuck here, can't even live without being taking care of, I'm not even allowed to leave the house anymore. 
I miss my old life, yes I love my family, but it's just not the same. 

"Simon! Where are you baby?!" Mom. She is very protective of me, so is Dad but he isn't at home a lot, almost 24/7 at work, he even has his own apartment there because it's hours from here to his workplace. "I'm here, mom" She rushes into my room. "Oh, my baby, I've searched the whole house for you!" She hugs me tightly. 

I know she's lying. 
Only to make me feel better, to give me the feeling I could leave my room, but we both know that I'm stuck here. It sucks. 

She closes my curtains "Did you eat today sweetheart?" I shake my head no. "Oh, don't worry, I'll make you a sandwich." She exits my room. I thought it was weird that she closed my curtains, I mean, it's day and all. Maybe there was something she doesn't want me to see? I decide to check it out. 

Just seconds later she comes back to my room, she holds up a sandwich, and has a fake smile on. Something is off. "Here, baby. Sorry, but you gotta eat it yourself, I have to do something." She places the plate on my bed, gives me a kiss on the forehead and disapeared through the door. It feels a lot colder now then I thought, a cold breeze, I'd consider calling it freezing cold. 

I have my hoodie on, but it still is to cold, but from what? That's when the window suddenly opens, and I fall backwards in shock. I pull myself away with my chest, hoping to be hidden, why? I dont know. I just got the feeling I should do so. 

Something climbs inside, I climb under my blanket. I shake. I have absolutly nothing to defend myself, I could bite maybe, but I don't believe it'll do much. A figure now jumps off in my room, starring right into my soul. It's really hard to see who it was, but it was tall.

"OH MY GOD!" Carl has entered the room, right behind him lukes Rob into the room. The figure turns right to them, and I see them run. Carl comes soon in again, with a baseball bat. I remember he had a baseball phase not so long ago. He runs towards the figure, takes it out and hits it, but it just disapeared into thin air. Carl takes deep breaths looking around himself in disbelieve. "Wait, SIMON?" He calls my name, if he doesn't see me I must have hidden good enough. "I'm here." He comes towards me and pulls the blanket off me. "Are you alright?" he picks me up. 

"It didn't come to me, so yeah I guess" A scream is heard. 


"MOM?!" Carl almost drops me in shock, but catches me again, then runs downstairs with me on his back. I look over his shoulder, and he stops, right infront of mother. Her arms and legs were cut off, alltogether pinned to the wall with knifes. It was a horribly, brutal scene. Tears of blood run over her face. "Run." she said, before her lungs give the last breath. Carl didn't move, for understandable reasons. 

Then rob runs in, and drops infront of Mom. How could anyone do that to someone? So brutally, and then leave the kids to see it...

"Oh, well look at the time. Yours is now too." I turn my head as far as possible. It all happened so fast. 

Charlson, so bloody that you couldn't recognize him anymore. 
Robert, hung lifelessly from the ceiling, his eyes split from his eyesockets hung out. 
And me? I lean to a wall in horror of the scene. 

"Don't be afraid. You remember me, right, Silver?" I look up to the figure. The shadow left the face and reveals... X? "I... don't understand... You'd never harm them... let alone in such brutal way!" I cough up in shock about the reveal.  

I remember X very well. I knew them in the past, we used to be some kind of friends, I guess. But we were always very different, they used to stick out very much from the crowd. 
But they changed completly. "What the hell are you even doing here." Tears run down my face. X killed my family, this is nothing like them, like the memory I had of them. "I collect together all the pastas and proxys again. I know you missed the family, Silver." 

They are right, I did miss them, the close bond. But I don't think I could, not with my adoptive family here, dead. "If you come with me, you'll forget them too. You'll not remember any of the pain you just felt." 

I look at the sliced up bodies and brutally stabbed out parts... and nod softly. 

They pick me up, because of known reasons. I close my eyes and they carry me out of the house, I don't even want to look at it anymore. Just as they promised the memory slowly leaves my mind as we enter a weird forest I never saw before. 

I now serve... X

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Apr 21, 2022 ⏰

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