Chapter 8

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' What's your name, child?' 

The young Voltaris who looked no more than ten swallowed before answering, ' Tygren...'  

Just then, they heard footsteps approaching. Pythus looked in the direction of the sound for a while until the orange markings he had been anticipating appeared. Ingressus walked up to the camp which was now empty apart from the Netheran and Tygren. He flinched upon seeing the other Voltaris in Pythus' arms, reaching for his broadsword, but froze as Pythus spoke, ' One wrong move...' he gestured to Tygren, ' ...and I snap his neck. So I suggest you be careful.'

' What do you want?' Ingressus hissed.

' I ask the questions here, Tidesinger. Are you alone?'

' ...yes.'

' Even your Nestoris companion?' Pythus questioned, suspicious at the long pause before his response. When Ingressus stayed silent, he gave Tygren a side glance before repeating, ' Where is your friend?'

' Not here,' Ingressus snapped, refusing to tell Pythus where his brother was. Pythus took a glimpse at his features to find any signs that he was lying, yet found none.

' So he's not here... but you're not really alone, are you? I wonder who tagged along, perhaps King Rendor?' Ingressus flinched a little, and Pythus smirked, ' I could hear the Enderdragon miles away. So the Enderking. Odd, but I can work with that. As for what I want... I want to help you against my father.'

Ingressus' eyes widened, but the Voltaris was still sceptical. ' You want something in return,' he guessed. There was no way the Netheran would be willing to turn against his King without gaining anything, if he actually wanted to help them at all.

' My father is weak. A fool like him doesn't deserve to be our king. His reluctance to sacrifice will only bring us to ruin.' Pythus was careful to leave out the information of their retreat. The Tidesinger would have no reason to agree if he knew Chronos wouldn't be a threat any longer.

' That's a long way of saying you want the throne,' Ingressus remarked, earning a scowl from the Netheran.

' I can give you inside information, my strength and a plan,' Pythus said, trying to make his offer as tempting as possible, ' All you have to do is help me get rid of my father, which you've already been trying to do. It's a win-win situation, if you ask me.'

' How do I know you aren't leading us into a trap?' Ingressus asked, folding his arms, ' You've almost killed my brother twice and are threatening me with the life of a child. At least give me a reason to trust you.'

' The fact that you're still standing here alive should be enough. I could kill you right here, Tidesinger, and go back to my father with your head. But I haven't. So what will it be? Yes, or no?'


Astraeus paused briefly in front of the stone. He didn't want to believe it either, but his childhood friend was gone. As much as he had mentally prepared himself for the day where his markings would dim out, knowing he was bound to get himself killed with all the trouble he loved running into... Astraeus hadn't known how hard it would hit him.

He just saw Thalleous days ago, asking for them to send forces to Cydonia but refusing to elaborate what for. He had thought it was something about Ingressus, yet to his shock, the truth of Thalleous' plan to aid the Voltaris followed the news of his death. To think Thalleous of all people had wanted to give Ingressus a chance... it was an eye opener, and got him wondering whether Ingressus really was all that bad until he learnt how Thalleous died. That was when he almost crushed the piece of paper in his palm in anger before breaking down at the realisation that he would never see the champion again.

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