1: New Kid

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Elijah stepped into the classroom full of his new fellow classmates. despite the teacher being there everyone was still talking and yelling none the less,would you expect anything else from third grade high schoolers? As soon as they noticed him the whole class,including the teacher, curiously stared at the new boy who stood in the classroom doorway.

Elijah didn't bother introducing himself,he didn't plan on making any friends here anyway. He hurried over to an empty table in the back and sat down in his chair which let out a noisy screech, his bag making a thud as he set it next to his desk.

Everyone was slightly surprised by the hostility of the boy but carried on with whatever they were doing. The teacher finally stood up and began talking

"Good morning everyone,as I'm sure you can tell we will have a new student with us from now on"

Everyone quieted down and turned to look at Elijah,who still didn't seem that interested in talking about himself, or even talking at all. He slightly raised his head and glared back at everyone,his long dark hair fell messily across his face and his pale baby blue eyes. The teacher continued

she cleared her throat"His name is Elijah,he just recently moved so everyone be nice"

Elijah simply ignored everyone who tried starting a conversation with him,soon the teacher gave up trying to get him to talk as well and simply began the lecture. It was boring per usual,this was still school after all. Elijah just doodled on a piece of paper the entire class,he could feel someone's eyes on him the whole time,however he chose to ignore it. anyone and everyone would stare at the new mysterious kid who refused to talk.

Soon enough the first class was over, as the bell rang everyone grabbed their bags and ran out the door to the next class,including Elijah. He could feel someone was watching him as he followed his group of classmates,not knowing which classroom to go to next. He pulled up the hood of his black hoodie and tugged it over his face, as if his hair wasn't already covering half of it.

They entered the next class and everyone sat back down in their seats,Elijah sat down in the same place in the back,setting his bag down. He heard a shuffle to his left and felt someone sit down next to him,he didn't bother looking at them,instead he pulled out his books and laid his head down on the desk,he turned his head the right as to not look at the stranger next to him

The stranger seemed to get the hint and didn't bother him. The class went as usual,the bell rang,everyone got up,including the stranger,He waited until they left before picking up his stuff and leaving as well

He spent the lunch eating alone in the school yard,under a tree,far away from where the other kids were to avoid having to interact with them,he didn't enjoy the company of others. but he once again felt that awful feeling of being watched. It was seriously starting to piss him off.

Elijah looked around for good measure, he found that he was in fact alone but the feeling didn't go away. Deciding he must just be paranoid he looked to see if there were any cameras,there were not. He pulled out a cigarette and lit it,it seemed to calm his nerves a bit

soon the lunch break was over and the bell ran,he stood up and tossed the cigarette on the ground, stomping it out. he grabbed a piece of gum and walked back to class

Third class,same thing as last time. Sat down, same place, same person,at least Elijah assumed so. He laid his head down and turned away as to not look at the stranger. However a piece of paper with something written on it slipped infront of his face,he slightly raised his head and read it

"hi :D"

He sighed,slightly irritated and grabbed a pen,starting to write back. "why are you sitting next to me." He slid it back to the person beside him and sat up,leaning his face against his hand. The note slipped back infront of him in matter of seconds

"you looked interesting to me,and the fact that you are so closed off made me want to befriend you even more. My name is Axel,what's yours?"

He sighed once again, why is this person so determined to bother him? "Elijah." He wrote back messily,his handwriting clearly worse than the stranger's

"that's a cool name"

The note slipped in front of him once again. He was now slightly curious about the stranger who was bothering him,he took a quick glance. The person sitting next to him was a blonde boy,he had relatively short, wavy hair and dark olive green eyes,with freckles scattered across his face,on his nose sat a pair of glasses with a thin golden rim. He was wearing a dark green sweater and jeans,he looked to be a typical nerd except for the fact he was bigger than Elijah. He quickly looked away once he saw the boy had noticed him

The boy next to him chuckled quietly and took back the piece of paper

"your eyes are pretty" He wrote

"...thanks,yours too i guess" Elijah wrote back,feeling what he assumed to be discomfort

That compliment was odd but he didn't mind. they kept making small talk,once again the bell rang,the boy took the paper they wrote on and waited for Elijah to pack up. Elijah was surprised to see him still waiting,it was the first time they were face to face. They were the only ones left in the classroom

Elijah mustered up the courage and finally hesitantly spoke,his voice quiet and raspy "..were you the one watching me since the first class" he looked at Axel in front of him, who seemed to be fairly than him,his shoulder broad,he didn't look Like the type of person Elijah would typically be friends with

He smiled "Maybe" Axel replied with a chuckle,his voice was deeper than Elijah had expected.

Elijah suddenly felt nervous,he didn't understand why,he looked away and and grabbed his backpack "come on" he began walking,Axel quickly followed behind

The rest of the day was fine,Elijah felt less anxious knowing he had someone who he could potentially call a friend. He shook his head, Friend? he could barely call this person someone he knows,now he was just getting ahead of himself. The last bell rang, Everyone grabbed their bags and ran out,Elijah wasn't in a hurry.

As he was packing his backpack he saw a pair of green converse shoes step in front of him,he zipped up his bag and looked up to see Axel looking down at him with his bag over his shoulder. He stood up and threw his bag over his shoulder as well and began walking towards the door,Axel followed him

He caught up to Elijah as they walked out the school front door "Hey" Axel smiled

"....hey?" Elijah replied and looked at him,he wasn't used to people talking to him,he wasn't exactly popular in his old school,especially because of his temper. He glared at the boy with suspicion

Axel kept smiling "which way are you going?" he asked as they walked though the school gate

" left " Elijah replied, fidgeting with something in his pocket

"Oh I'm also going left, do you mind if i go with you?" Axel added

A part of Elijah wished he would shut up,why was he so friendly? for no reason? that couldn't be it,you never just start bothering someone who clearly doesn't want to be bothered,why was he doing this?

" your hair is pretty " The boy said suddenly and continued looking at Elijah curiously

"..thanks? your glasses are cool i guess" Elijah couldn't tell if Axel had been sarcastic or not, he turned away

there was a pause before he spoke again "..why are you being nice to me?" Elijah asked, he simply couldn't wrap his head around the fact that someone would genuinely want to be his friend

"why wouldn't i be? you didn't do anything for me to not be nice" Axel replied

"i didn't do anything for you to be nice to me either" Elijah mummbled,looking at the ground as they walked

"you don't need to do anything to deserve good things" he smiled

They kept making small talk and getting to know each other,eventually they arrived to Elijah's house,it was kind of nice that his house was on the way to Axel's,they said their goodbyes as they parted ways

little did they know that this simple interaction would change their feature forever

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