20: Butterflies

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"why were you avoiding me." Elijah placed his hands on the couch on either side of my head as he hovered above me, "i-i don't see how this is necessary--" i shifted a little,feeling my cheeks beginning to heat up

"It is,i don't want you running off like you did every single time i tried talking to you today. what did i do." he frowned as he looked down at me,his hair falling onto my face

i looked away "y..you didn't do anything" i muttered out,god damn it i always have sutter when im nervous?

"Then?" he glared down at me,if stares could kill I'd be six feet under,"u-um.." i finally looked back up at him "it's...hard to explain" however once i saw the way he was glaring at me i quickly turned my gaze away once mkre

"Just spit it out already!" he raised his voice, "...Elijah im not mad nor upset with you" i began,he looked at me confused,i continued "....I had a dream,about you"

"that's not a valid reason to ignore me" he pouted,"i don't think you understand what i meant eli.." i looked away,a bit embarrassed,i could feel my heart beating out of my chest again

"...?" he just looked at me confused, gosh he's so fucking dense. "im- goddammit,fine! you're so fucking dense! i had a dirty dream about us,alright!? that's why I've been avoiding you! i just felt really fucking awkward whenever im around you and i hate it! now get off of meeee..." i looked back at him with a frown and shifted again,trying to wiggle out of the situation,his cheeks were pinkish but he didn't look phased at all,a small smile appeared on his face as he leaned down to my ear and whispered

"wanna recreate it to get it off your mind?"

"eliJaaAAAAAH-" i turned my head and glared at him,frowning,i was baffled at the suggestion,he had a smirk on his face as he leaned back up "what?" God i wish i could knock that smug look off of his face! he was obviously messing with me AND IT WAS WORKING

I huffed and turned my head away from him,still frowning, i felt him move a little bit but he still wasn't getting off of me,i looked up back at him to see that he was starring me down,for a moment he seemed lost in his thoughts"you do realize one day we will have to talk about all of this?" he asked in a tone that was a bit more serious

"yeah.." i mumbled,he smiled again and shrugged "well that day ain't today so I'm gonna keep annoying you" , "hey!" i said in protest

he slightly tilted his head,still looking down at me "you didn't cover up the hickey i gave you yesterday" he pointed out,my eyes widened slightly "ah--.. is that why people have been looking at me the whole day? i forgot about it" i looked up at him,he nodded,well that's kinda embarrassing, i basically ran out the house in the morning because i didn't want to think about i t , i guess i was in too much of a rush to notice

We sort of,just,kept looking at each other? he wasn't getting off of me,and he was obviously well aware of what he was doing. "get off." i muttered as i glared at him, trying to intimidate him but i obviously failed

He snickered and moved his hands to my neck,once again not putting any pressure on,he licked his lips before he spoke "Now why would i?" he looked at me,slightly leaning down

My heart was beating out of my chest again and i opened my mouth to reply but i couldn't muster up a single word,i could feel my breathing beginning to get slightly heavier. My eyes unintentionally wandered down to his pretty pale lips, oh god- i shut my eyes tightly and turned my head away, 'fuck- don't think about it don't think about it don't think about it--' I was quickly snapped out of my thoughts when Elijah once again moved his hips which caused more to let out a whine,why do i keep doing that for God's sake!? what am i? a dog??

Elijah paused for a moment which caused me to slightly open my eyes,i looked at him,partly confused. "Do you want me to stop?" he asked,his voice a bit serious once again. i thought for a moment, it took me a bit to mustered up the courage to reply "No,i don't" i said,trying to sound as confident as i could as to not make it seem like i was hesitant, as i much as i hated to admit it,i was enjoying this
.....a lot.

i saw him grin as he leaned down,really, really close to my face "im glad to hear that" he smiled as pressed his lips against mine, lightly pressing down on my neck. i could feel my cheeks heating up as i placed my hands on his waist.

we kissed. We kissed, without one of us being intoxicated, without the pressure of others, without it being a dare. We kissed, and fuck did it feel good.

it was gentle and soft,our lips mushed together as we were holding onto each other like the rest of the world didn't exist to us. i felt his lips part mine as he slid his tongue into my mouth,he tasted like pure black coffee,and his grip on my neck got tighter. all of this caused me to let out a small noise, which is all Elijah needed to know exactly what he was doing to me,he removed one of his hands from my neck and moved it up into my hair,playing with it. andddd fuck he found another weak spot

He pulled my head closer,deepening the kiss as he slightly rocked his hips,he is purposely torturing me at this point. I let out a quiet groan as slid my hands under his hoodie,feeling his boney hips, i tried to keep him in place because i have a feeling if he did anything else i was going to lose it

Suddenly there was a sound of a car pulling into the driveway, Elijah leaned away,breaking the kiss,and looked behind him before turning back to me again "fuck that's my dad" he leaned down and pecked a quick kiss on my cheek, he gave me a small smile before got off of me and moved to the other side of the couch " I'm sorry" he pouted

i sort of froze for a moment, until the sound of a car door being shut snapped me out of it. "Its okay" i quickly sat up and fixed up my shirt and hair trying to look as presentable as possible

"hey,look at me" i said,as i moved closer to him,i heard footsteps leading up to the door,he turned to me and i quickly pecked a kiss on his lips and smiled before moving away once again,the front door opened right after

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