The proof

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Alright! So here I am after, like, years. Let it be known this was written for and because of RedRoseButterfly1 and Flabbaggastterdd. So, thanks for commenting, guys this is dedicated to you two, and that one other person who voted. Your feedback single-handedly revived this story, I hope you enjoy!

Alex's headache had suddenly spiked, his head feeling as if a red-hot metallic rod was poking around his brains, before he lost consciousness. It felt like only a second had passed before he bolted upright on the sofa he had been placed on, as he heard a voice screaming in his ears "FOUR MONTHS" before his vision went black again.

When he opened his eyes again, he was still on the couch, with Ian sitting in a chair nearby, cleaning a gun. When his sort-of-not-really-uncle saw he was awake, he immediately hid the weapon and walked up to Alex.

"How long was I out?" the teen asked with a sigh.

Ian seemed surprised by his casual demeanour.

"A little less than an hour. Are those seizures a regular occurrence to you?"

"No. I think they're related to my arrival here. From what I understand I have four months."

Ian frowned, seemingly a bit confused.

"Four months until what?"

Alex shrugged, still uncaring and treating all the situation as the most likely false story it was.

"Until I get back? I don't know."

There was a pause as both Riders got lost in their thoughts. Alex broke the silence first, while getting up.

"Well, thanks for everything, I'll get out of your hair now."

Ian frowned again.

"You can stay here. If you're really from ah, 'another universe' you don't have any money nor would anyone know you," he said, as he wanted to keep an eye on the suspicious teenager.

Alex continued walking, unfettered by Ian's words.

"I'm going. Unless, you're going to stop me?"

Ian seemed hesitant but he still shook his head.

"No, you're free to go."

Alex was still suspicious, ready to get attacked at any time, as he walked to the door. This seemed too easy. When Not-Ian put his hand on Alex's shoulder, the teen tensed, ready to dodge a punch or catch a kick but instead, Not-Ian shoved a disposable phone and a few banknotes in his hand.

"Take those at least. You can call me if you need anything."

Alex was suitably surprised, Not-Ian seemed genuine in this generosity. While the teen would bet his right kidney, the phone was bugged, he still felt slightly warmed by the man's concern.

"Thank you."

Still cautious, Alex opened the door and got out. He walked down the stairs, still feeling Not-Ian's eyes on him, still expecting to be stopped. When he got to the street he started walking in a random direction. He walked aimlessly for a good hour around the streets of London, before he got into a 24 hour electronic convenience store. Ten minutes later, he walked out with a new disposable phone in hand where he had put Ian's number and a tool kit in his pocket. Smiling lightly to himself, Alex started walking towards Brookland Comprehensive School.


As soon as Not-Alex disappeared from his view, Ian walked up the stairs and into his study where he stuffed a card into his pocket. He went back down and got his coat and put on his shoes, before grabbing his car keys and going down to the garage. A minute later, a nondescript dark blue car turned on the street, rolling towards the Royal bank.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2023 ⏰

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