Letter 6.

275 19 7

Dear Gran,

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Dear Gran,

I have some bad news.

The cheese plant really is dead.

After a week of attempting to restore it, it's given up.

By the twentieth 'Sandra's Happy Plants Life' video on YouTube - yes, I counted how many I watched - It was game over.

As you can tell, I have way too much time on my hands with being off work.

My leg is a lot less painful now it's strapped up and in a medical boot, but it's still hard to get around the house. Your advice of "Never get old, Franny" makes a lot of sense now.

"Hey, did you see this envelope in the kitchen drawer?"

Mason pokes his head in here from the doorway, wiggling a small pink envelope in the air.

I stop scribbling. "No, why?"

"It's addressed to you," he says, dropping it on the couch.

It's your handwriting, gran.

What are you up to now?

My loud laugh makes Mason jump. Oh, you're good, gran.

I knew you'd kill it off. Here's some seeds to plant your own.

Love gran xxxx

Mason is standing behind the sofa, reading your little note. "Oh, god, she knew you too well."

I hold the paper against my chest. "Hey, don't be so nosey." But he isn't wrong.

You really did know me too well.

He climbs over the back of the couch to land right next to me, falling into me as he loses his balance.

"Mason!" I reluctantly chuckle.

He nudges me. "You want me to get some supplies to plant the seeds?"

It's been six days of sitting on my arse and doing nothing. The thought of planting some seeds makes me crazy happy.

"Only if you're going out that way."

He nods, more than happy to do this for me.

Between me and you, he's been really good to me this week.

But, it doesn't change anything.

I still hate him.

Well, no, that's not true.

I still hurt.


"I want to try get a run in before I go. I won't be long," he says, climbing off the couch to straighten out his gym top.

"Okay. Maybe I can come with you?" I need to get out of here for a bit.

He looks confused. "For a run?"

Really, Mase? "No, to the garden centre."

Ooh, maybe they have those summer milkshakes in the cafe.

Mason isn't sold on the idea.

I sigh. "Come on. Please?"

After what feels like forever, he finally agrees. "Okay, but we're not going for long."

Was he always this protective? I don't remember him fussing over me this hard when I needed him back then.

"We'll be as long as it takes. I want to do this right." I'm determined for this next plant to live.

Mason jumps up to go get changed into his workout gear, knowing better than to argue with me.

I need some fresh air.

I feel like I'm going a bit crazy.

*Drinks can opening*

I move to see him placing a can of grape Fanta down for me. My favourite.

I gasp and he laughs. "Where did you get these? I thought you could only get them in America."

"Nope. They do them here now, so I bought you a load for the fridge," he says, not seeing my grateful look when he escapes to the other side of the room to find his trainers.

I can't take my eyes away from him, gran.

*bag rustling sounds*

"Ah, shit!" I jump at his sudden mood change. "I left my bloody trainers at work. God! I'm such an idiot."

What a potty mouth.

Do you know he would lose his head if it wasn't stuck on?

I climb up to make my way over to the airing cupboard where his trainers hang from the laces. "They're here."

"Wait, they are?" he asks, using his big hands to grip my waist and spin me around in a circle.

I squeal, yes, squeal like a little kid, because my leg still hurts and it's fun being up in the air a moment.

"Put me down, you big oaf!"

That makes him laugh.

Oh god, gran, I'm forgiving him aren't I?

It's too early, right?

Franny. X

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