Longings of Home Chap.5

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It had been a week since coming to the palace, Wei Ying was already missing his home and clan very much, one night he even thought to run away and climb the wall of his palace, but the guards saw him and thought he was committing suicide, so he was "Rescued" and put under watch more often, he was already tired of Lingjiao and her superiority complex, whenever she picked on Noble Lady Yan or Noble Lady Yang he'd defend them much to her annoyance, and she punished him to transcribe rules for women, he hated It so much that he thought to tear his hair out, but he bore through it as he couldn't put his family or clan in danger 

it was after he was dismissed back to his palace, she'd kept him for four hours to transcribe, Mei walked by his side as he wobbled on his knees, silently cursing Lingjiao 

"That Woman, she's too much"

Mei hushed him, whispering "Young master, voice down"

Wei Ying stretched, "Gosh, I'm so stiff and my wrist hurts she made me copy It five times"

Mei giggled, "I'll give you a massage when we're back"

just then his stomach growled, "She wouldn't let me break for dinner either, so cruel"

"Come on, there's a kitchen In our palace I'll make you something"

they then went back to Wei Ying's palace, heading to the kitchen Mei started to prepare him something to eat, he rested his head on the table as he watched 

"what're you making?"

Mei smiled, looking back "Don't worry It's your favorite from home, and extra spicy"

Wei Ying smiled, "I can't wait!"

she chopped up some chilis, putting them into the wok mixing them with the noodles, 

"After my attempted escape, I have more guards then the other Concubines"

Mei looked back, "That's because they thought you were committing suicide, and it's an capital crime for a Concubine to commit suicide in the harem, the clan would be punished"

Wei Ying looked up, "Eh? but I was trying to escape, not kill myself"

"It's also a crime for a concubine to run away"

Wei Ying sat back, "so I am stuck here forever, In this cage"

Mei then took the noodles out, putting them into a bowl before serving "There you go"

Wei Ying smiled, happily smelling the spicy fumes while Mei covered her nose, he then picked up his chopsticks, slurping up the noodles happily and without a care 

"Young Master, you must show some decorum, you're a royal concubine now"

he looked up, swallowing "Since I'm a Concubine, can't I do whatever I want"

he continued to eat, but then stopped "I miss home, Mom and dad, little Yihuan"

Mei nodded, "I know, I do too but In accordance to rules, you can't ever see them again unless you're pregnant and your mother may come to see you"

Wei Ying blew his bangs, "so what, now I have to figure out how to get pregnant just so I can see my family, I'm a man"

Wei Ying looked down, he then sighed sadly "I should've never came here....".

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