~ Chapter Twenty Six ~

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"Kieran FUCKING Riddle"

Kieran had figured out the eggs clue for the next challenge in a matter of minutes. I knew he would do well in the championship but that was what scared me the most.

I was in the library late at the night studying for Potions. My eyes trailing over the words. My fingers brushing against the pages. I heard the creaking of wood not far from me. I stood up slowly, raising the book up ready to bash it into someone's head.

Then I felt a pinch in my neck. Blood trailing down my neck and collarbone. Everything went completely black, my eyes fluttering closed. My knees buckled giving me away to the floor of the library.


Kieran's POV ~

She never came. I thought Ember would come and see me before the challenge started but she never did. I had hidden the Darkmark, staining my tanned skin with a spell.

I had to keep it hidden is what my uncle told me. The two other nominees standing on the wooden dock with me. I felt someone's hand on my wrist. I smiled thinking when I turned around I would see Ember.

But instead I was met with a blonde. Olivia Dumont was her name. The candidate from Beaxbutons. To be completely honest I was pissed Ember didn't come to see me. She wasn't even in the stands.

So I let Olivia's hand stay on my wrist. She smiled at me. Placing her body under my arm. She had pale skin and brown eyes. She was quite honestly pretty.

But she wasn't nearly as beautiful as Ember.

Rita Skeeter was standing beside the teachers yet again. Olivia looked over at her then taking my head in her hands and smashing her lips into mine. I was surprised waiting a second and then pulling away.

Before I knew it we were being rushed to begin. I had decided to use gillyweed for the challenge. Olivia had taken some type of potion along with Baron. I threw the gillyweed in my mouth almost vomiting from the taste.

And In seconds the horn went off and we all jumped into the water. I didn't know what we were supposed to find but I kept swimming. Then I was at the bottom.

Swimming around aimlessly. Olivia popped up at my side with Finns. Grabbing my hand and leading me somewhere. She had a smile on her face as she brought me somewhere.

I froze, there were three students with chains around there hands and ankles tied down.

Then I saw her.

Here I was all pissed that she didn't come see me and the whole time I've been flirting with Olivia thinking Ember didn't care. But instead she was chained to the bottom of the black lake.

Her eyes opened, she was struggling around to get free. She couldn't breath. Her eyes darted to mine then my hand in Olivia's. But neither of us let go of eachothers hands.

Finally I broke mine from her swimming towards Embers tied of form. Undoing the chains as she began swimming manically to the top. I followed behind her closely. She couldn't make it to the top.

She lost her breath, giving up completely and floating back down. I caught her in my arms my protective instinct coming in an instant. I swam as fast as I could to the top.

Cheers erupted from the stands. I was first to make it. People helped lifting Ember to the dock and then me. She was cold and not breathing. "Fuck!" I screamed out.

Tears dwelling in my eyes. I began CPR, desperately needing her to wake up. "Come on Emmy!" I hollered. Repeating myself over and over. Continuing the same movements. She finally spat out the water in her lungs. She gasped for air, sitting up.

Her hand on her chest. "Athalia!" I yelled for my sister. "Kieran what's the matter she's fine?" Minister Ludovic questioned. "She has asthma she needs her inhaler." I informed my voice slightly breaking.

The teachers were running in every direction trying to find an inhaler for Ember. Then Athalia passed one to Headmistress McGonagall. She fell to her knees beside us handing Ember the inhaler.

She could finally breath after a few hits. My hands still resting on her covered thighs. I noticed she was in jeans and a black tank top. It's what she was wearing the day before.

She had a wet, crumbled photo in her hand. She shrugged my hands off of her, a disgusted look planted on her face. "Ember?" I called out when she went to stand.

"Ember." I repeated getting impatient. Still no reply she wouldn't even look at me.

"Ember!" I said louder.

"What!" She screamed turning around to face me. She was furious with a small glint of betrayal in her green eyes. "What's going on?" She laughed. "What's going on?" She repeated laughing louder now.

She was acting manic.

"What's going on is that I'm drowning at the bottom of the black lake while you're making out with some blonde bimbo you've known for 2 days!" She threw the photograph at me.

I didn't know where she got it but it was a photo of Olivia and I's kiss. "I can explain-" I tried only to be cut off. "I don't wanna hear it Kieran. Just leave me be and fuck off." She spat.

"And you." She faced the teachers and minister. "I didn't like this tournament in the first place while I was watching it...but to jump me in the library and drug me is another thing! Don't ever include me in any of this bullshit again." Then she left walking away in the cold fall air.

I stood from my seat on the dock to face Rita Skeeter. "Are you fucking kidding me?" I narrowed my eyes at her. "Kieran calm down please." Headmistress tried reasoning.

"NO! I will not clam down when she just completely fucked up everything!" I hollered.

"I'm not one to be fucked with....IT SEEMS YOU HAVE ALL FORGOTTEN WHO THE FUCK I AM!" The crowd stared at me in shock.

I put on an intimidating demeanor. My eyes still narrowed but I chuckled under my breath like it was a joke. A sadistic grin spreading on my lips.

"I'm Kieran FUCKING...Riddle. And if any one of you decides to fuck with me again just remember. I could kill you within seconds and end your pathetic lives that are going nowhere. So don't temp me and stay out of my way." At the point everyone was terrified.

Glad I could get things back in order.

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