the night everything ended.

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Amara was just like any other girl. And just like any other girl out there she was crying getting ready Friday night with her fiance. As she stood in front of the mirror and then run down 1-bedroom Studio loft apartment, in downtown Georgia. She wondered to herself what should she wear. She was going to meet her fiance Richard and his friend Danielle oh, at Daniel's house for the first time. She never met this man before and she was not sure what they would be doing there. Richard had sent her a text with her to meet him and his friend, at Daniel's house. She did not know what they would be doing there or why they would be going . However when she sent Richard a text asking him why they were going over to this man's house she has never meant he did not respond . All of this you must herself did not matter. As she stared into the mirror debating what to wear for this strange occasion. She decided something casual would work out best. Morrow walk over to her closet and picked out a simple knee-length white dress.
She found the dress I went back to look at herself in the mirror again. A shorts in the mirror she took in her own appearance. Amara was a thin tiny girl. Well she was currently 26 years old many said she could still pass as being only 18. Continue taking her frame from her beautiful long waist length dark chocolate brown hair, all the way to her right stunningly blue eye. She thought to herself that she looks very good and hope she would be able to impressed with mysterious from. That's on mine she grabbed her purse put on her white wedges to match your dress and locked up her apartment as she left. Oh yeah I got it I don't have the password as she walked down the long winding staircase. She thought to herself how wearing the wedges may have been a bad idea after all. Not long after this she made it down to the parking lot where she kept her beat up old red ford sedan.
She turned the key praying that the car would start. Thankfully it did and she began her trip to Daniel's house.

Amara walked her way up to the building. She had gotten a text from her fiance to meet him at his friends house. While Amara found this strange. As they had never met at his friends house and only his or hers.

    Something felt off to Amara right away as she  gott out of her beat-up Ford Sedan. Maybe she thought to herself it was the stormy dark weather. Or maybe given that fact that his friends house was located deep in the forest. Maybe it was the fact she had never been there before and she was nervous.

   All Amara knew as she walked walked down the overgrown path was that something felt off.  she continued walking up the rickety stairs of that old hauntedlooking building to the door. As she was going to knock on this old wooden broken down  and dilapidated door, she noticed it it was already open.
   Slowly she opened the door scared for what she would find, but at first she found nothing. For the building was completely pitch black, and no matter how many times she flicked the light switch it would not come one.
   She walked in careful of her every step and afraid every time the floor Creaked.
  The pit in amara's stomach grew and grew and every instinct told her to run. Yet against her better judgment she continued on.
  Up the winding grand staircase that reminded her of old colonial homes and down the hall she went. To what appeared to be the only area of light  and possibly hope in this dark dank place.
  As she walked it got worse and worse that feeling she had. She came up on the door at the end of the Hall, her instincts screaming at her to run. Yet she continued on. She's slowly open the door that looked like it was stained with something red. As she opened the door fully she noticed something horrifying. Something she knew would haunt her for the rest of our life.

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