power surge

365 10 0

With the last deciding match commencing  it starts with the whole Chrono stone team mixi maxing right of the bat.
The ball is being taken back and forth which makes it seem like a fair match. Tenma starts to have minor headaches Jim thinking that it's just him stressing but Saru knew much more about it.

When it half term the scores turn out to be 2-2
While walking to get a drink of water from their bench while on his way Tenma just happens yo pass Saru which leaves him on the ground he has no idea or why but he felt it he felt it the aura he had inside him .

Chrono stone quickly rushed to his aid and gave him some water confused they all started asking him if he was okay which he oviously responded with a yes. Saryuu watching along with Gouenji new what was going on and that it was about to go down

I lied im srry it seem that there might be more chapters yo come

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