auntie who?

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Riju yawned as he had just awoke from his sleep, slipping a hand under his shirt he scratches his belly.

Man..oh! Its sunday.

Riju smiles at the clock, as he goes over to the bathroom to get rid of his bed hair, combing his hair back, satisfied.

He decides to make himself breakfast, opening the fridge

Oh..i could..make noodles. Too lazy to even cook these days

Riju scolds himself chuckling

Yeah you ARE LAZY! never know when to quit, do you?

Rjiu feels his hand tingling as he stares at his hand, it slowly moves closer..and..closer until

OUCH! Haa!!

Riju let out a scream as his other him laughs at him, riju runs his hand under the tap, looking at the burn.

You motherfucker i-

His noodles where ready, rjiu sits down to eat clasping his hands together
Thanks for the meal!
It stung when he clapped.

He says to himself. Apon suddenly hearing a knock on the door, he opens it revealing a peticuliar black headed male.

Riju brightens up, as he happily looks at zero

I didn't know you knew my dorm number! Come in!

Riju exclaims but zero doesn't move, riju's smile drops as he notices tears on the floor


Riju asks before ...suddenly zero hugs him, tightly, out of the blue. Not Willing to let go.

Riju's smile completely fades as he hugs zero back understanding he's distressed

Zero, talk to me..what happend?

Riju asks, zero finally looks up at him and riju's eyes widened.

Zero's bruised face looks sad his eyes sunken due to crying.

Riju grits his teeth

That is definitely human inflicted, who did this?!

Riju asks as he grabs zero's shoulders. Zero lets more tears fall out of his eyes onto riju's jacket.

Auntie-..please..just let me stay here..i- i don't wanna go back!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2022 ⏰

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