Chapter Six

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~Later that night~

The boys were all fast asleep on the floor of Fang's room, each one of them snoring lightly. For her, however, sleep didn't come so easily. She doubted it would. Not when she kept waiting for them to reappear, to claim this life as they had claimed her last, and her mother’s before that. She felt she needed to protect her boys, but she didn’t know how. Was she supposed to watch them every second of every day?

She sat on her pillows, her knees tucked up to her chest. She watched as her pets slept. It was odd how much she had come to care for them. How she felt she would do anything to protect them. So, these… Hunters, they probably weren’t going to stop.

Fang had to wonder who they were, really, and how in the world they’d decided to wipe out her entire bloodline. What had happened for them to hate her family so?

I’m pretty sure that we aren’t totally innocent, but I’m not sure if it’s a small thing that was done or some big, bad sin that means we totally deserve what was coming. I have so many questions…

Fang quietly stood up and went over to her dresser, sidestepping the boys, and pulled out a notepad and her favorite purple pen. Sidestepping her way back to the bed wasn’t quite as easy, since Sammy decided to roll over. Thanks barely missed landing on him, and then when she tried to sidestep Bobby he rolled over and wrapped an arm around her feet. Fang rolled her eyes. That was annoying. Ugh, let me go, you stupid boy! It took a little bit of finessing, but finally she managed to wiggle out of his grasp and back to her bed.

She settled back against her pillows, and set to writing down her questions. She hoped listing down what was concerning her would help her find the answers she needed.

1) Who are the ‘Hunters’?

2) Why are they trying to kill me?

3) Am I going to have to return to my family?

4) What the hell is going on?

5) When are they gunna strike again… and where?

6) Is Tyson going to be targeted, too?

7) How the hell am I going to tell Tyson that I’m a half-breed?

8) What am I going to do with the boys?

After a few moments, she set her purple pen down and rubbed her eyes. Everything seemed so impossible. How in the world was she going to do this? How was she supposed to do this alone? She couldn't return to the coven. Not so soon.

Her thoughts drifted- again- to her family. She could see Segan’s face, hear Immaliah calling her for supper. She could hear Malachi’s quiet laughter, see Lyziztra’s sparkling eyes. She could hear Raislin’s taunts and challenges, see Demetri with his punching bag, ever so elegant. She could hear Raven calling her, and she could see Caleb’s sweet smile, the one he kept only for her.

Should she turn back to them, turn tail and run? She didn’t like the idea of that, wither she missed them or not. She had my pride, after all, and there was no way she could go back. Fang was independent, up to a fault. No way was she going to give up her newfound freedom. Not after everything she'd done, not after she'd accomplished so much.

A tear fell from her violet eye, and she quickly brushed it away. Now was not the time to be going soft. She was tougher than this. Nothing was going to pull her down. Not even some murder-happy mystery men.

If she had seen the next blow coming, she would have tucked tail and run, then and there.

The days dragged by, slowly and painfully, as Fang waited for the next attack. She had installed a high tech security system, using up a fair chunk of change, but not regretting a single penny of it. She'd also (secretly) set up surveillance on all of the boys. If these guys had shot at them once to slow her down, she had no doubt they would do it again. She let out a frustrated sigh. How was she supposed to fight if they weren’t fighting back?

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