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Maturity Warning: Mild Language

A breeze ruffled her hair. Fang stirred, blinking the sleep from her eyes. What time is it? She sat up in the darkness, stretching her arms above her head. A yawn escaped her lips; the down comforter was gathered around her waist. With a small groan of pleasure, she threw her legs over the side of the king-sized bed. Again, the breeze ruffled her long unkempt hair against her shoulders. Involuntarily, she shivered. Who in the world opened the window?

She stood, her pale nightgown falling down to her ankles, and almost immediately she missed the warmth of her bed. She stood, the wood floor cool on her feet. She rubbed her right eye wearily as she began to cross the room. Before she could reach her window, however, a soaking wet man burst into her bedroom. The tall figure tumbled clumsily through her heavy curtains. He detangled himself and stepped forward, a sly smile on his face and a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Sorry to wake you, Fang," He murmured. His hair fell haphazardly into his eyes, as dark as pitch. He raised a tanned finger to his full lips, shushing her playfully, before prancing past her and slipping out her bedroom door quieter than he had come.

Quickly she reached past the curtain with her free hand and slammed her window shut. Without thinking, anger began to boil up inside her. Letting the curtain fall back, she turned on her heel, stormed to the bedroom door, and jerked it open.

"Raislin!" She screamed furiously into the empty hallway, her voice echoing. A tense silence followed. She knew he had heard her; he heard everything. So she continued, her voice shaking. She didn't notice the angry flush that colored her cheeks or the slight shaking of her hands. "If you don't start closing my window after your little shortcuts I will bolt it shut and make you wake up the rest of the household instead of sneaking quietly in and out!"

If the thick-headed idiot didn't take her seriously, she knew that Demitri would kick his smug little ass for her. She slammed the heavy wooden door loudly, leaning against it and sulking. Stupid, inconsiderate, infuriating little- her inner ranting was cut off by a soft knock on the door. "If you've come to apologize, I don't want to hear it!" She snapped, folding her arms across her chest.

"It's me, sweetheart."

Almost instantly she relaxed. Caleb. She sighed softly, the tension gone, and turned to open the door. "What is it?" She asked, unable to hide the gentleness that had crept into her voice.

Caleb Whitmore stood there, framed in the doorway like a beautiful portrait. He leaned his slender body against the door frame. His deep blue eyes shimmered as they met her own luminous blue orbs. He smiled a sweet grin and folded his arms across his chest. "You seemed a little bit miffed at Raiz, I thought you might need someone to comfort you." He unfolded one arm and ran his fingers against her soft skin, brushing her hair behind her ear. She smiled softly at his touch and closed her eyes.

"I'm sorry if I woke you," she began, but he quickly cut her off, his arched brows lowering in concern. "Sweetheart, you're burning up."

Almost as if in response to his statement, her legs gave out from under her and the world began to spin. Caleb caught her before she could hit the ground. She reached out shakily for his face. She could see his lips moving- when the world passed him- but she couldn't hear him over the ringing in her ears.


Her hand fell limp to her side as the world went black.


"What the hell is going on?!"


In Full Moon's Light (Remastered) (Finished)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora